List of Talks

ASCR Programming Challenges Workshop

Application Requirements Session: July 27
  1. Bob Lucas - Abstract: Exascale Programming Challenges
  2. Alice Koniges - Abstract: Application Status and Needs on Emerging Platforms Abstract
  3. Richard Barrett - Abstract: Preparing Multi-physics, Multi-scale Codes for Exascale HPC
  4. Sriram Swaminarayan - Abstract: Exaflops, Petabytes, and Gigathreads... Oh my!
  5. Curtis Jansen - Abstract: Exascale Programming Environments

State-of-the-Art Session I: July 27

  1. Vijay Saraswat - Abstract: The Return of Logic
  2. Guy Blelloch - Abstract: Nested Parallelism and Hierarchical Locality
  3. Mike Heroux - Abstract: Next Generation Programming Environments: What We Need And Do Not Need
  4. Sung-Eun Choi - Abstract: Data-Oriented Programming Models: A Foundation for the Exascale Era

  5. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Jayadev Misra - Abstract: The Challenge of Exascale

  6. John Shalf - Abstract: Functional vs. Imperative Languages (Dataflow 2.0)
  7. Richard Murphy - Abstract: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love New Models of Computation
  8. Tim Mattson - Abstract: Unintelligent Design for Asynchronous Exascale Systems
  9. Sriram Krishnamoorthy - Abstract: (De)composable Abstractions for a Changing Architectural Landscape
State-of-the-Art Session II: July 28
  1. Kathy Yelick - Abstract: To Virtualize or Not to Virtualize
  2. Keshav Pingali - Abstract: Why Compilers Have Failed And What We Can Do About It
  3. Richard Lethin - Abstract: Reconceptualizing to Unshackle Programmers from the Burden of Exascale Hardware Issues
  4. Sanjay Kale - Abstract: Composable And Modular Exascale Programming Models With Intelligent Runtime Systems
  5. Pavan Balaji - Abstract: Evolutionary Support for Revolutionary Programming Models and Runtime Systems

  6. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: George Almasi - Abstract: PGAS Languages In The Exascale Era

  7. Saman Amarasinghe - Abstract: Why Has Compilers failed To Help Parallel Programmers
  8. Vivek Sarkar - Abstract: Programming Constructs for Exascale Systems and Their Implementation Challenges
  9. John Mellor-Crummey - Abstract: Lessons From The Past, Challenges Ahead, And A Path Forward
  10. Dan Quinlan - Abstract: Challenges for Compiler Support for Exascale Computing

Heroux Michael A. Heroux worked at Cray Research from 1988 to 1998, the last three years as part of Silicon Graphics. During his first five years he developed mathematical libraries for sparse and dense systems of equations on Cray systems. Following this, he worked in the application division, focusing on solution methods for fluid dynamics, oil and gas and structural applications, both for commercial applications such as FIDAP and FLUENT, and for individual customer applications. During his final three years he managed several groups of scientists focused on new application capabilities in science and engineering, and parallel applications. During these years he was also the applications representative on future architecture teams, including the Cray T3E and SV2 systems.

Presently Dr. Heroux is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, working on new algorithm development, and robust parallel implementation of solver components for problems of interest to Sandia and the broader scientific and engineering community. He leads development of the Trilinos Project, an effort to provide state of the art solution methods in a state of the art software framework. Trilinos is a 2004 R&D 100 award-winning product, freely available as Open Source and actively developed by dozens of researchers.

In addition to Trilinos, Dr. Heroux works on the development of scalable parallel scientific and engineering applications and maintains his interest in the interaction of scientific/engineering applications and high performance computer architectures. He leads the Mantevo project, which is focused on the development of Open Source, portable micro-applications and micro-drivers for scientific and engineering applications.

Dr. Heroux is a telecommuter for Sandia, maintaining an office at home in rural central Minnesota and at St. John's University where he is Scientist in Residence in the Computer Science Department. He is a member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and is the chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing. He is a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Misra Jayadev Misra is a professor and holder of the Schlumberger Centennial chair in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin. He is known for his work in the area of concurrent programming, with emphasis on rigorous methods to improve the programming process. His work on the UNITY methodology, jointly with Chandy, has been influential in both academia and industry, and has spawned a large number of tools and research projects. He has recently developed a programming language, called "Orc", for concurrent orchestrations of interacting components. He is also spear-heading an effort, jointly with Tony Hoare, to automate large-scale program verification.

Misra is a fellow of ACM and IEEE; he held the Guggenheim fellowship during 1988-1989. He was the Strachey lecturer at Oxford University in 1996, and has held the Belgian FNRS International Chair of Computer Science in 1990. He is a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers at the University of Texas at Austin.

Misra has been the past editor of several journals including: Computing Surveys, Journal of the ACM, Information Processing Letters and the Formal Aspects of Computing. He is the author of two books, "Parallel Program Design: A Foundation", Addison-Wesley, 1988, co-authored with Mani Chandy, and "A Discipline of Multiprogramming", Springer-Verlag, 2001.

Siriam KrishnamoorthySriram Krishnamoorthy received his B.E. degree from College of Engineering-Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. He is currently a research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. His research focuses on parallel programming models, fault tolerance, and compile-time/runtime optimizations for high performance computing. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed conference and journal publications, and has received best paper awards for his publications at the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC'03) and the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'04).


Kathy Yelick Katherine Yelick, Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Director of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California at Berkeley. She is the co-author of two books and more than 100 refereed technical papers on parallel languages, compilers, algorithms, libraries, architecture, and storage. She co-invented the UPC and Titanium languages and demonstrated their applicability across computer architectures through the use of novel runtime and compilation methods. She also co-developed techniques for self-tuning numerical libraries, including the first self-tuned library for sparse matrix kernels which automatically adapt the code to properties of the matrix structure and machine. Her work includes performance analysis and modeling as well as optimization techniques for memory hierarchies, multicore processors, communication libraries, and processor accelerators. She has worked with interdisciplinary teams on application scaling, and her own applications work includes parallelization of a model for blood flow in the heart. She earned her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and has been a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley since 1991, with a joint research appointment at Berkeley Lab since 1996. She has received multiple research and teaching awards and is a member of the California Council on Science and Technology and a member of the National Academies committee on Sustaining Growth in Computing Performance.

pingali Keshav Pingali is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the W.A. "Tex" Moncrief Chair of Grid and Distributed Computing in the Institute for Computational Engineering and Science. He received a B.Tech from IIT Kanpur, and the S.M, E.E., and Sc.D. degrees from MIT. His research interests include programming languages, compilers, and high-performance computing. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)


Mellor-Crummey John Mellor-Crummey received the B.S.E. degree magna cum laude in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton University in 1984, and the M.S. (1986) and Ph.D. (1989) degrees in computer science from the University of Rochester. In 1989, he joined Rice University where he holds the rank of Professor in both the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research focuses on compilers, tools, and run-time libraries for multicore processors and scalable parallel systems. Dr. Mellor-Crummey is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Beta Kappa.

Saman P. Amarasinghe is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) where he leads the Commit compiler group. His research interests are in discovering novel approaches to improve the performance of modern computer systems and make them more secure without unduly increasing the complexity faced by the end users, application developers, compiler writers, or computer architects. Saman received his BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Cornell University in 1988, and his MSEE and Ph.D from Stanford University in 1990 and 1997, respectively.


Vivek SarkarVivek Sarkar conducts research in multiple aspects of parallel software including programming languages, program analysis, compiler optimizations and runtimes for parallel and high performance computer systems. He currently leads the Habanero Multicore Software Research project at Rice University, and serves as Associate Director of the NSF Expeditions project on the Center for Domain-Specific Computing. Prior to joining Rice in July 2007, Vivek was Senior Manager of Programming Technologies at IBM Research. His responsibilities at IBM included leading IBM's research efforts in programming model, tools, and productivity in the PERCS project during 2002- 2007 as part of the DARPA High Productivity Computing System program. His past projects include the X10 programming language, the Jikes Research Virtual Machine for the Java language, the MIT RAW multicore project, the ASTI optimizer used in IBM's XL Fortran product compilers, the PTRAN automatic parallelization system, and profile-directed partitioning and scheduling of Sisal programs. Vivek holds a B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, an M.S. degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. He became a member of the IBM Academy of Technology in 1995, the E.D. Butcher Chair in Engineering at Rice University in 2007, and was inducted as an ACM Fellow in 2008. Vivek has been serving as a member of the US Department of Energy's Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC) since 2009.

KaleLaxmikant (Sanjay) Kale is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urabana-Champaign, where he has been since 1985. He has been working on various aspects of parallel computing, with a focus on enhancing performance and productivity via adaptive runtime systems, and with the belief that only interdisciplinary research involving multiple CSE and other applications can bring back well-honed abstractions into Computer Science that will have a long-term impact on the state-of-art. He developed the "migratable-objects" programming model, which empowers adaptive runtime systems. His collaborations include the widely used Gordon-Bell award winning (SC'2002) biomolecular simulation program NAMD, and other collaborations on computational cosmology, quantum chemistry, rocket simulation, space-time meshes, and other unstructured mesh applications. He takes pride in his group's success in distributing and supporting software embodying his research ideas, including Charm++, Adaptive MPI and the ParFUM framework.

L. V. Kale received the B.Tech degree in Electronics Engineering from Benares Hindu University, Varanasi, India in 1977, and a M.E. degree in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, in 1979. He received a Ph.D. in computer science in from State University of New York, Stony Brook, in 1985.

Pavan Balaji Dr. Pavan Balaji holds a joint appointment as an Assistant Computer Scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory, a research fellow of the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago, and as an adjunct associate professor at the Institute of Software of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He had received his Ph.D. from the Computer Science and Engineering department at the Ohio State University. His research interests include parallel programming models and middleware for communication and I/O, high-speed interconnects, efficient protocol stacks, cloud computing systems, and job scheduling and resource management. He has more than 80 publications in these areas and has delivered nearly 120 talks and tutorials at various conferences and research institutes. He has received several awards for his research activities including an Outstanding Researcher award at the Ohio State University, the Director's Technical Achievement award at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and several best paper and other awards. Dr. Balaji has also chaired or edited more than 30 journals, conferences and workshops including CCGrid, SC, JHPCA, ICPP, IEEE Micro, Hot Interconnects, P2S2 workshop, and ICCCN; and served as a technical program committee member in numerous conferences and workshops. He is a member of the IEEE and ACM. More details about Dr. Balaji are available at