Other DOE Funding Opportunities

This page is intended to provide a broad range of resources for entrepreneurs developing technology in DOE mission areas with the intent to commercialize. You do not need to be a DOE SBIR/STTR applicant or awardee to benefit from many of these resources.
Looking for Partners?
Partners play a critical role in transitioning advanced technologies from SBIR/STTR funded programs to the commercial market. Throughout technology development and productization you will engage with a myriad of partners filling many different roles and providing many different capabilities. Check out the newly released SBIR Partnering Platform. The public, self-supporting platform, which is free to use, facilitates partnering between DOE small business applicants and awardees (INNOVATORS) and various industry stakeholders (investors, service providers, utilities, etc.) in their representative ecosystems (PARTNERS). Register specific to your ecosystem role: PARTNER or INNOVATOR.
See our web page on other DOE Partnering Resources.
SBIR/STTR funding is only a very small percentage of the funding that each DOE program office has for R&D and other funding opportunities exist. You should visit the DOE’s Program Offices relevant to your research and make sure you are on their mailing list:
Advanced Computing Resources:
NERSC is the primary scientific computing facility for the DOE. Its systems are reliable, secure, and provide a state-of-the-art scientific development environment with the tools needed by its diverse community of users. Active DOE SBIR/STTR grantees requiring high performance computing support receive priority in allocation of NERSC resources.
SBIR/STTR Programs at other agencies
Get to know the other Federal Agencies providing SBIR and STTR Programs
See what type of local state-based assistance is available.
C2C curates climate technologies from the National Laboratories by connecting inventors and entrepreneurs with selected technologies and critical resources like state-of-the-art test beds, prototyping facilities, and scientific resources for technology advancement.
Search past SBIR STTR awards to understand what agencies have funded similar technologies.
Opportunities include assisting with deployment of clean energy solutions and more.
American Made Challenges
Incentivizes innovation through prizes, training, teaming, and mentoring, connecting the nation’s entrepreneurs and innovators to America’s national labs and the private sector.
This DOE program its own SBIR program and is interested in funding disruptive technologies.
Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)
DOE’s OCED was established in December 2021 to help scale the emerging technologies needed to tackle our most pressing climate challenges and achieve net zero emissions by 2050
Loan program office (LPO)
DOE’s LPO has loans and loan guarantees available to help deploy innovative clean energy, advanced transportation, and tribal energy projects in the United States.
A DOE tech-to-market program for early-stage innovators in climate-smart building tech to gain carbon and business training, join a vibrant community of Innovators, mentors, and experts, and access to powerful public and private sector pipelines.
Office of Technology Transitions
The Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) releases collaborative solicitations to “pursue promising energy technologies for commercial purposes”. Learn about this office’s programs such as the Technology Commercialization Fund, a program that leverages funding in the applied energy programs to mature promising energy technologies with the potential for high impact across DOE's Research, Development, Demonstration (RD&D) and commercial application continuum. Solicitations look for collaboration between the national labs and the private sector. Subscribe to OTT’s newsletter to receive timely news and updates.