The Basic Energy Sciences (BES) informational brochures provide an overview of BES research areas, scientific user facilities, and the relevance of the research work to practical applications.
Basic Energy Sciences Program Update
This brochure describes updates to the BES program in FY 2019, including new awards and strategic planning activities. It also describes select research highlights from the three divisions in BES.
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HOW BASIC RESEARCH PAYS OFF: 10 Winners from an Extraordinary Competition
In celebration of the ten-year anniversary of the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) program, the Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored a competition among current and past EFRC awardees. The competition aimed to select ten awardees that best embody the extraordinary impact of EFRC-sponsored basic research. The competition solicited entries in three categories: the training of the next generation of scientific talent; the discovery of novel scientific ideas; and the development of advanced technologies and tools. This brochure summarizes the remarkable accomplishments of the 10 winners.
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Individual Stories: Workforce – Turner, Workforce – Naguib, Workforce – Ratcliff, Science – Solar, Science – Plants, Science – BatteriesCars, Science – GasSeparation, Technologies – Batteries, Technologies – EnergyStorage, Technologies – ChemAnalysis
Energy Frontier Research Centers: Science for Our Nation’s Energy Future | July 2019
This booklet describes updates to the BES-supported Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) program since 2016. The content includes the history of the program, composition of current centers, topical distribution of research, representative highlights, communication activities, and impact of the program in terms of academic publications, intellectual property, and science commercialization.
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BES at 40: A Remarkable Return on Investment in Fundamental Research
The following are short summaries of the 2018 Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) report highlighting outstanding examples of major scientific accomplishments emerging from 40 years of BES research support, including how these discoveries have helped fulfill the Department of Energy’s mission and have led to new technologies and industries that contribute to American innovation and prosperity.
JPG Summary of this Report
Individual Story Summaries: | Chemical Industry | HPC | Innovative Materials | Millie Dresselhaus | Nanoscience | Nuclear Waste | Quantum Computing | Semiconductors | User Facilities | Superconductivity | Tough Stuff
Link to Full Report
Report Brochures
These brochures summarize the reports from recent basic research needs workshops, and roundtables, including the identified priority research directions.
Transformative Manufacturing | Artificial Intelligence | Liquid Solar Fuels | Polymer Upcycling | Microelectronics | Catalysis Science | Future Nuclear Energy | Next Generation Electrical Energy Storage | Energy and Water ǀ Transformative Experimental Tools ǀ Synthesis Science ǀ Quantum Materials | Hydrogen | Cryogenic Electron Microscopy | Carbon Dioxide Removal | Nuclear Energy | Accelerator-Based Instrumentation

Basic Energy Sciences Program Update
This brochure describes updates to the BES program in FY 2017, including new awards and strategic planning activities. It also describes select research highlights from the three divisions in BES.
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Basic Energy Sciences Program Update
This brochure describes updates to the BES program in FY 2016, including new awards and strategic planning activities. It also describes select research highlights from the three divisions in BES.
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Basic Energy Sciences Summary Report 2017
This report provides an overview of BES and describes how BES is organized and operates to accomplish its mission. The report describes all three BES divisions, along with the Energy Frontier Research Center and Energy Innovation Hub programs. It also includes references to supplementary resources that provide additional information about BES strategic planning, research, and user facilities.
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Energy Frontier Research Centers: Science for Our Nation’s Energy Future
This booklet describes the first seven years of the BES-supported Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) program. The content includes the history of the program, composition of centers, topical distribution of research, representative scientific highlights, communication activities, and impact of the program in terms of academic publications, intellectual property, and science commercialization.
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Basic Energy Sciences Program Update
This brochure describes updates to the BES program in FY 2015. It also describes select research highlights from across the BES portfolio in three areas: understanding and controlling matter, harnessing material and chemical processes to create matter, and modeling and simulation of complex phenomena.
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Basic Energy Sciences Summary Brochure
This brochure describes BES-supported research, tools, and facilities. Examples illustrate BES investments in research ranging from discovery science to science for energy technologies and in tools ranging from laboratory equipment, to the pairing of theory and experiment, to large user facilities.
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Basic Energy Sciences Summary Report 2014
This report describes how BES is organized and operates to accomplish our mission and presents selected accomplishments to illustrate some exciting new scientific advances that resulted from BES-supported research. Also included are references to supplementary resources that provide additional information about BES strategic planning, research, and user facilities.
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Science Serving the Nation, Impacts of Basic Research
This 12-page pamphlet describes how BES-supported research addresses our Nation's energy challenges by enabling solutions through scientific understanding. Examples illustrate better ways to tap the sun's energy, efficient approaches to power the future, innovative seeds for clean energy technologies, and other ways of converting new insights into new technologies.
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Basic Energy Sciences 2011 Summary Report
This report describes how BES is organized and operates to accomplish our mission and presents selected accomplishments to illustrate some exciting new scientific advances that resulted from BES-supported research. Also included are references to supplementary resources that provide additional information about BES strategic planning, research, and user facilities.
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User Facilities of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences
A National Resource for Scientific Research This 72-page booklet describes fourteen highly sophisticated user facilities. These major scientific facilities are synchrotron radiation light sources, neutron sources, nanoscale science research centers, and electron beam microcharacterization centers that allow researchers from a wide variety of disciplines to make and examine their samples in unprecedented detail using leading-edge research equipment and the expertise of the resident facility staff.
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Basic Energy Sciences: Serving the Present, Shaping the Future
This 1996 40-page booklet describes successful collaborations between BES-supported researchers and industrial laboratories and some of the applications that have resulted. Topics include energy efficiency; energy resources; environmental technology; transportation; manufacturing; chemical processing; biotechnology; ceramics; polymers; semiconductors; superconductors; measurement and analysis; and metals, alloys and intermetallics.
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Foundational Science to Accelerate Nuclear Energy Innovation
This report is based on a BES Roundtable on Foundational Science to Accelerate Nuclear Energy Innovation, which was held July 20-22, 2022. The roundtable was organized by the office of Basic Energy Sciences in coordination with the offices of Nuclear Energy, Fusion Energy Sciences, and Advanced Scientific Computing Research. The roundtable report identifies five priority research opportunities to address the scientific and technical challenges for advanced nuclear energy and to accelerate progress toward the realization of next-generation fusion and fission energy systems. Building on the foundation established by previous BES workshops, these opportunities encompass recent advances in fundamental knowledge and focus on the experimental and computational methods needed to resolve major technical challenges for nuclear energy technologies.