Visualization Data Management
High-performance computing is generating huge amounts of data - frequently trillions or quadrillions of bytes. Visualization research provides innovative ways to view and analyze this mountain of information. Data management research, meanwhile, helps scientists quickly locate desired information. For example, the Computer Science program supported development of FastBit, an indexing program that answers queries of enormous data sets with amazing speed.
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To learn exciting accomplishments by the Principal Investigators, click "Fiscal Year 2007 Accomplishments."
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The UltraVis Institute Team recently helped Dr. Jackie Chen and her colleagues (Sandia National Laboratories) visualize a data set from the simulation of lifted turbulent hydrogen/air jet flame. [click here for more details]
For more exciting images and animations, click here
The VACET group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, led by Dr. Valerio Pascucci, has developed the first feature-based analysis of extremely high-resolution simulations of turbulent mixing. [click here for more details]