Abstract Ahrens

Remote Visualization and the Analysis Pipeline

For Office of Science simulation and experimental application teams, visualizing, analyzing, and understanding their results is the key to effective science. These activities are hampered by the fact that team members and the ultrascale supercomputing and experimental resources they work on are located in geographically different locations. This proposal addresses this problem by supporting collaborative and distance visualization of petascale scientific datasets. Collaborative visualization supports multiple team members simultaneously analyzing results and communicating their ideas through video, audio, and shared visualizations. Distance visualization strives to alleviate usage barriers that result from delays in transferring information over wide area networks between team members. We will address these technical challenges by building new visualization infrastructure, algorithms, and interfaces on an existing widely used open-source large data and collaborative visualization software base. Solving the remote and collaborative visualization and analysis problem is critical to achieving the vision of effective nationwide collaborative scientific simulation and experimental teams. This is a connected effort with Michael Papka (Argonne National Laboratory) Collaborative Visualization and the Analysis Pipeline.