Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Image courtesy of General Atomics
Artificial Intelligence and scientific machine learning provide efficient and effectual connections between experimental and computing facilities that are transforming fusion energy sciences.
The Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program supports research into artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) including deploying these tools when predicting key plasma phenomena and plant states; optimizing active plasma control algorithms; providing plasma diagnostics; utilizing extraction of models from experimental and simulation data; and developing extreme data algorithms able to handle the amount and rate of data generated by fusion simulations and experiments. These priority areas were identified in the 2018 FESAC report on “Transformative Enabling Capabilities for Efficient Advance toward Fusion Energy,” and by a joint 2019 FES-ASCR workshop on “Advancing Fusion with Machine Learning.” The FES AI/ML program area aims to accelerate progress across the FES portfolio in magnetic fusion, materials science, fusion nuclear science, high-energy-density laboratory plasmas, and discovery plasma science.
Press Releases
- Department of Energy to Provide $21 Million for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research on Fusion Energy (August 2020)
Funding Opportunity Announcements & Awards Lists
- Award List Scientific Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Fusion Energy Sciences (August 2020)
Past Funding Opportunities
Workshops & Reports
- Transformative Enabling Capabilities for Efficient Advance toward Fusion Energy (February 2018)
- Advancing Fusion with Machine Learning (May 2019)
Matthew Lanctot
Physical Scientist
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning