Required Content for ALCC Proposals
This page describes each element that must be included in a full ALCC proposal. The outline below also notes which elements must be consistent with the content provided in the proposer’s previously submitted pre-proposal
Title: This is entered as the first step in creating the pre-proposal and is not editable after pre-proposal submission.
Sections 1-5 are entered for the pre-proposal(and may be expanded after they are loaded into the proposal). Sections 6-12 are added for the full proposal.
Section 1 -- Team & Contacts: Principal Investigator, Co-PI(s), other Collaborator(s) on the project, (these are keyed input or cut & paste)
Section 2 -- HPC resources requested (keyed input)
Section 3 -- Project funding: DOE, Other (keyed input)
Section 4 – Reviewers that PI requests NOT be used (keyed input or cut & paste)
Section 5 -- Executive Summary/Abstract (template available, pdf upload)
Review LOI and Submit
Section 6 -- Other HPC Allocations (keyed input or cut & paste)
Section 7 – ALCC related publications: (template available, keyed input or cut & paste)
Section 8 -- Project Narrative: (template available, pdf upload)
Narrative should include:
- Significance of Research (includes Research Goals and Impact, Relevance to the DOE Mission and Relation to other projects, and Anticipated Results)
- Research Objectives (includes Goals, Strategy, Dissemination of Results)
- Computational Usage Plans (includes Computational Approach, Milestone Table, Data Management Plan)
- References
Section 9 – Security questionnaire (series of yes/no questions)
Section 10 -- Prohibited Content Agreement (this is a checkbox)
Section 11 – Team Description & Administration Details: (template available, pdf upload)
Administration Details should describe how decisions will be made to apportion available allocation to individuals or subgroups within the project.
Section 12 -- Bio-sketches: (template available, pdf upload(s))