Business Operations Division

Business Operations Division
The Business Operation Division (BOD) provides oversight for the budget that includes salaries, benefits, travel, consultants, training, reimbursable details, awards, and the Working Capital Fund (WCF).
The BOD supports federal salaries and services that directly assist career staff in executing their responsibilities. The Office of Science (SC) BOD plans, formulates, justifies, executes, tracks, and manages the Office of SC Program Direction budget for Headquarters and the Field. This office serves as the principal SC-wide point of contact with other DOE staff organizations when representing the program direction needs of SC to the Department, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress. The Business Operations Division ensures that funding is managed, monitored, and available for all Federal employee salaries and support costs; manages the SC workforce Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and associated funds utilization against FTE ceiling; and provides consultation and analysis to the SC-Headquarters Change Control Board.
This office serves as the SC representative on the WCF Board and monitors SC WCF expenditures; manages funding for the Professional Liability Insurance, SEET, and MEDEX programs; serves as a government purchase card holder for SCPD funds; and monitors and certifies funds availability of SC-Headquarters supply store purchases. BOD is responsible for the oversight of the SC Travel Office at Headquarters and manages the Federal and Advisory Committee travel budgets.