Isotope Development & Production for Research and Applications (IDPRA)

The Isotope subprogram supports the production, and the development of production techniques of radioactive and stable isotopes that are in short supply for research and applications. Isotopes are high-priority commodities of strategic importance for the Nation and are essential for energy, medical, and national security applications and for basic research; a goal of the program is to make critical isotopes more readily available to meet domestic U.S. needs. This subprogram is steward of the Isotope Production Facility (IPF) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the Brookhaven Linear Isotope Producer (BLIP) facility at BNL, and hot cell facilities for processing isotopes at ORNL, BNL and LANL.
The subprogram also coordinates and supports isotope production at a suite of university, national laboratory, and commercial accelerator and reactor facilities throughout the Nation to promote a reliable supply of domestic isotopes. The National Isotope Development Center (NIDC) at ORNL coordinates isotope production across the many facilities and manages the business operations of the sale and distribution of isotopes. If you are interested in purchasing isotopes or checking on their availability, please visit the NIDC Website. This site also has several useful isotope-related links.
Isotope Program Information:
- NIDC: National Isotope Development Center
- NIDC organization chart
- NSAC-I Report , 2015 (Long Range Plan for the DOE-NP Isotope Program)
- Report to NSAC of the Subcommittee on Isotopes for the Nation's Future: A Long Range Plan (August 2009)
- Report to NSAC of the Subcommittee on Compelling Research Opportunities using Isotopes(April 2009)
- Presentation to the National Academy of Sciences (2009, ppt)
- 2008 Isotope Workshop / Report
- Advancing Nuclear Medicine Though Innovation
- Isotope Program brochure from Los Alamos
- He-3 Fact Sheet
- Other Isotope-Related Reports