Dr. George N. Maracas

Dr. George N. Maracas

Program Manager Nanoscale Science Research Centers

Office of Basic Energy Sciences
SC-32.3/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290

E-Mail: George.Maracas@science.doe.gov
Phone: (301) 903-1264
Fax: (301) 903-1690

Dr. George N. Maracas joined the Scientific User Facilities Division of DOE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences in June 2013 as a Program Manager for the Nanoscale Science Research Centers and Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers. Previously he was Program Director in the Energy, Power and Adaptive Systems (EPAS) and Sustainable Energy Pathways Programs at the National Science Foundation since 2010. Dr. Maracas joined NSF from Arizona State University in January of 2010.

He received a B.A. in Physics from New York University and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University. In 1982 he joined North Carolina State University in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 1984 joined the Arizona State University Department of Electrical Engineering where he became Associate and Full Professor.

In 1994 Dr. Maracas joined Motorola where he established the Molecular Technology Lab leading programs in quantum devices, molecular self-assembly and molecular diagnostics. He was the Founder and Director of Advanced Technologies of Motorola Life Sciences. In 2005 he became Director of Nanotechnology at Motorola Labs where he was responsible for coordinating R&D efforts in nanotechnology.

Dr. Maracas received the Motorola Master Innovator award, elected to the Motorola Scientific Advisory Board Associates (SABA) and received the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator award. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and has authored/co-authored over 110 technical publications and presentations, 2 book chapters and holds 33 issued US patents.