ECRP Awardees
Grigory Bronevetsky, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, “Reliable High Performance Peta- and Exa-Scale Computing”.
Patrick Yin Chiang, Oregon State University, “Sustainable Silicon - Energy-Efficient VLSI Interconnect for Extreme-Scale Computing”.
Christiane Jablonowski, University of Michigan, “Introducing Enabling Computational Tools to the Climate Sciences: Multi-Resolution Climate Modeling with Adaptive Cubed-Sphere Grids”.
Youssef Marzouk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Predictive Modeling of Complex Physical Systems: New Tools for Uncertainty Quantification, Statistical Inference, and Experimental Design”.
Kalyan Perumalla, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, “ReveR-SES: Reversible Software Execution Systems”.
Michelle Strout, Colorado State University, “Separating Algorithm and Implementation via Programming Model Injection (SAIMI)”.
Anil Vullikanti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, “Diffusion on Complex Networks: Algorithmic Foundations”.