BASIS Peoria

BASIS Peoria

Sarah Suloff, Coach
Coach Sarah Suloff has taught at BASIS Peoria since 2018. She attended Arizona State University, where she obtained her first bachelor's degree in biological sciences. She began her teaching career in North Dakota, where she lived with her husband throughout his military career, and where she obtained her second bachelor's degree in biology education. Coach Suloff completed her master's degree in learning sciences in 2020 and is currently teaching eighth grade biology, honors biology, and ecology and animal behavior. She sponsors three clubs in addition to Science Bowl and enjoys reading, hiking, and drawing in her free time.

Yash Lal
Yash Lal is a senior at BASIS Peoria High School. At school, he is part of many exciting clubs like Science Bowl, National History Day, and debate. He is interested in participating in the Chemistry Olympiad, despite how much pain looking at his own sillies causes. Chemistry and math are his favorite subjects, although he is known for being a fire hazard in an actual laboratory. In his free time, he can be found playing chess, League, or Minecraft -- or, alternatively, enjoying light reading of his favorite book, Clayden's Organic Chemistry. He is planning to major in biomedical engineering and wants to study the medical applications of AI technology.

Russell Georgi
Russell Georgie is a sophomore at BASIS Peoria HIgh School. At school, he is part of many clubs such as Tri-M, Academic Decathlon, and (of course) Science Bowl. He is grinding for the Physics Olympiad to try to camp. In his free time, he enjoys doing math and physics problems, playing Protobowl, reading, programming, practicing piano, and playing Celeste. He is planning to major in physics and/or computer science in college.

Adhitya Chandra
Adhitya Chandra is a sophomore at BASIS Peoria High School. He has invested himself in a variety of scientific subjects, but in particular he is interested in physics and astronomy. Therefore, his favorite area of science is the combination of the two, the field of astrophysics. He likes to derive and use important astrophysical equations like the Stefan-Boltzmann Law, the Lane-Emden equation, and the Kerr-Newman metric. He also likes to test these equations in the real world, but since he is unable to get into space to actually do that, he has to settle for doing experiments in Universe Sandbox. Unfortunately, he has been unable to confirm two out of these three equations. His hobbies include yelling at people about irrelevant pedantry, getting client-sided in online Science Bowl, and trying to convince people to click on suspicious YouTube links for something called a “rickroll”.

Akhil Rokkam
Akhil Rokkam is a junior at BASIS Peoria High School. At school, he is a part of the Science Bowl, Academic Decathlon, and UNICEF clubs. Akhil loves to learn about a variety of subjects, but biology and math have always been his favorites. Akhil plans to major in biochemistry or neuroscience in college, and he wants to become a biomedical researcher or physician-scientist when he grows up. In his free time, Akhil likes to read lots of different biology textbooks and concepts, including Oxygen-Dissociation curves and the Allee effect. However, his favorite topic is opsonization, which he learned from Campbell’s Biology. Some of Akhil’s other hobbies include talking with his friends, playing Careless Whisper on his saxophone, and losing to overpowered bosses in Elden Ring.

Thomas Brooks
Thomas Brooks has interests in STEM, specifically in math, chemistry, and computer science. He has been a member of the BASIS Peoria Science Bowl team for three years, and a member of the Math Club for four years. In his free time, he likes to play video games, procrastinate, play with laboratory glassware, write code, and sleep. His favorite subject in school is chemistry because he entertains the idea of becoming a sort of modern-day alchemist. He plans to attend an organic chemistry program in college since he sees organic chemistry as being potentially challenging and he enjoys being challenged. He plans to find work as an organic chemist or a worker at a McDonald's drive thru once he graduates. Thomas has an insatiable appetite for ice cream sandwiches and soda. Also, he finds it annoying when people use the wrong glassware for certain tasks, such as using a beaker to measure out a precise volume of liquid.