Marilyn Moore Middle School - Nebraska Regional Middle School Science Bowl

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Coach Luke Luxford was raised off of frosted mini wheats, starbursts, and ice cream.  He attended the University of Nebraska at Kearney where he studied how to tolerate middle school students.  He is currently in his eighth year of teaching and frequently asks himself why he ever got into teaching.  This is Coach Luxford's first year competing at the national level for Science Bowl.

Nicholas Li wrote his own biography in third-person at the age of thirteen. He enjoys music and martial arts, but most of all, he likes to munch on Lay’s chips. He may choose to work at Five Guys for college money during high school. His favorite foods are chips, burgers, and instant noodles, preparing him for the typical college diet. He may be good at cello now, but his parents likely won’t let him major in music. He aspires to one day work for NASA in biochemistry or engineering and maybe even taste test for Lay’s.

Jay Peng is from Colorado and currently goes to Moore Middle School. He enjoys reading and the topics of math and science, but he really really dislikes writing stuff. Jay also likes to eat pizza and desserts, along with others, but extremely despises tomatoes, eggplant, mushrooms, and others. He doesn't really like broccoli, but it would be his favorite veggie. His favorite fruits are mangos which he says are very very good. Jay also likes to play sports, his favorites being basketball and football. His dad and mom both work at UNL in the biology department, but Jay isn't sure about what he wants to do when he grows up. He would like to go to a good college if he could to try and find a good job. If you ask him, Jay still can't believe they won the Science Bowl this year.

Aidan Murphy grew up watching TV, being obsessed with pirates, and doing things that other small children did, such as playing outside and trying to play video games. He is not quite sure exactly what he wants to do in his career, but it will definitely be some kind of scientist or engineer.

Matthew Killham is a small child from the boring state of Nebraska. Matthew likes learning about history and science and is aspiring to become nothing as of now, but some people seem to think that he has more than one brain cell so maybe he'll be successful in the future. He likes video games and watching Anime (as criminal as that may sound) and partakes in theatre and choir.

Anish Koduri is a seventh-grade student at Moore Middle School.  He enjoys playing basketball and reading books. Anish's favorite subject in school is science. He has one younger brother named Saurya, a dad named Hemanth, and a mom named Prathima. Anish also owns three fish. He aspires to be a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon when he grows up. He currently lives in Nebraska.