North Hollywood senior High School - LADWP Regional High School Science Bowl

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Coach Altair Maine didn't attend the eighth grade or high school himself and has few regrets about this, but missing the opportunity to compete in Science Bowl is one of the few. A Caltech alum, he has taught physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, and geology since 2000, and has coached both Science Bowl and Science Olympiad since 2007. You are likely at any given point during NSB to find him playing ultimate frisbee out on the field, and he is also an avid hiker. At home, he dotes on his daughters: 9-year-old Fay, who does her best to increase the net entropy of the universe, and preschooler Luna, who is usually climbing all the things. He gives his Science Bowl team some serious competition in buzzing practice, but cannot pretend to rival them in biography memes.

Coach Len Soloff has been a science educator for over 50 years, and has been Involved with Science Bowl for 25 of those years, first as coach and now as an assistant coach. He has loved both teaching and Science Bowl from the very start, and has no plans to ever stop either one.

Albert Zhang is a senior who likes biology, physics, and math, and happens to share a name with his favorite book about the cell! Last year, he was a gold medalist at the IBO. He also enjoys playing classical and jazz piano and trumpet, Frisbee, and bathing in the glory of remembering his proudest quarantine project, having eaten approximately 1000 of his orange tree’s 2166 oranges in the span of seven months.

Lydia Qin is a junior that enjoys studying chemistry. She also enjoys cooking and baking, doing Lincoln-Douglas debate, and playing ultimate frisbee. She likes to spend her Sundays at the UCLA Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle. Her proudest accomplishment is holding her middle school's record for the PACER test. She often dreams about being a panda because she admires their sleeping and eating patterns.

Theodore Dupont is a senior who sleeps through the beginning half of school and occasionally Science Bowl meetings. He rarely turns on his camera during hand-raising since he is extremely insecure about his latest manicure. More than anything, due to quarantine, he is upset about not being able to study chemistry while sitting in an unrelated class. Theodore also enjoys ice skating, and hopes to do so purely by rapid calculations and measurement of body exertion and torsion.

Shion Murakawa is a senior who always plays his guitar during Science Bowl meetings either because every single ESS question he encounters is earth, or his Internet’s curse to conveniently cut out only on astronomy quest

Eric Yoon is a senior who, in lieu of his inability to climb a fence, has resorted to studying the Earth instead. His name has many interesting properties such as being a permutation of ricE and forming the letters ES (the S from his teammate’s name). Besides being a stereotypical Asian who does math and music, he also enjoys binge-watching, listening to music, and playing basketball.