Boise High School - Western Idaho Regional High School Science Bowl

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Coach Charlene Becerra is an 18-year veteran teacher originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado. She currently teaches chemistry and forensic science at Boise High School, and has taught science at Boise High for more than eleven years. She is in no way qualified to "coach" the brilliant students on the Science Bowl team, but is willing to be the required warm adult body so that they may compete because no one else is willing. She enjoys biking, skiing, social dancing, gardening, and all things science.

Zihongbo (Will) Wang is a sophomore at Boise High School, and the math specialist of his team. His achievements include, but are not limited to, finishing a bowl of instant Ramen in less than two minutes, tying Luke's hair back with 23 hairpins, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and breaking seven pencils during the span of one 40 minute test.  (Don’t worry, he brought 12.) His aspirations for the future include going into psychotherapy and cultivating a colony of fighter birds to take over Southwest Canada.

Shiva Rajbhanari is a Sophomore at Boise High and is very smart. While he probably contributes more wrong answers than right to his team, he is valued for his social skills, which no one else on the team has. He runs varsity track and cross country for his school and is a climate justice activist in his spare time. His aspirations for the future include dropping out of college and living out of a van in Portland bankrolled by his loving family and friends.

Tristan Eclaircy Marlow is a senior at Boise High School and is kind of smart. He enjoys history and earth and space questions and should probably be in the history bowl, but instead decided he liked science more. His aspirations include being a history teacher in high school.

Elijah Thibodeau is a man of mystery. No one quite knows where he came from or how he got to Boise Senior High School, although rumors abound about summoning circles, rituals, and the like. That is my bio. Final answer.