PROSPECT Characterizes the Footprint of Neutrinos
Experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor precisely measures the antineutrino energy spectrum.
Experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor precisely measures the antineutrino energy spectrum.
The MINERvA experiment in the NuMI beam at Fermilab has made the first accurate image of the proton using neutrinos instead of light as the probe.
A novel experiment sheds new light on a possible mechanism that may seed magnetic fields for the galactic dynamo.
Ground-breaking image reconstruction and analysis algorithms filter out cosmic rays to pinpoint elusive neutrinos.
The Dark Energy Survey has delivered dark energy constraints combining information from four of its primary cosmological probes for the first time, an approach that may help design other experiments into cosmic acceleration.
Read more about Survey Delivers on Dark Energy with Multiple ProbesResearchers demonstrated record accelerating cavity performance using a technique that could lead to significant cost savings.
Beam chopper cuts accelerator-generated ion beams under highly demanding conditions.
Successful models of the fraught dynamics of two particle beams in close contact lead to smoother sailing in an area of particle acceleration.
Scientists use software to "develop" images that trace neutrinos' interactions in a bath of cold liquid argon.
The MicroBooNE experiment demonstrates the use of machine learning to interpret images made by a liquid-argon particle detector.
New crime scene investigation technique offers a hard look at the traces that particles leave before fleeing the scene.
Scientists developed a method to better distinguish the tracks that particles leave behind in liquid argon.