Shattering Protons in High-Energy Collisions Confirms Higgs Boson Production
New results confirm the rate of Higgs boson production, matching our understanding of how the universe works.
New results confirm the rate of Higgs boson production, matching our understanding of how the universe works.
New searches for sterile neutrinos, hypothetical particles that do not directly “talk to” any particles in the Standard Model, significantly narrow the remaining regions where these particles may be hiding.
Discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass, garners the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass, garners the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Argonne superconducting radiofrequency technology boosts a variety of applications.
Detection of subtle polarization patterns in the Cosmic Microwave Background opens a new window on fundamental physics and cosmology.
Novel high temperature superconductor magnet technology charts new territory.
Scientists at University of Texas, Austin, accelerate electrons to 2 GeV in table top apparatus.
The optimization of commercial hardware and specialized software enables cost-effective supercomputing.
Surprisingly large effect greatly increases the probability that new neutrino experiments will be able to see the differences between matter and antimatter.
A boosted frame of reference boosts the speed of calculations.
Another boson has been found at the LHC that could help refine our understanding of the strong force.