
These guidelines are in addition to, not in lieu of, the official DOE proposal requirements which can be found at


Requests for financial assistance to fund conferences or workshops must be new, standalone proposals. They cannot be supplements to existing grants or incorporated as part of a larger research proposal. Proposals should be submitted to the Annual FOA for new proposals issued by the Office of Science.

Labs :

DOE labs can provide direct support from their operating budget for conferences and workshops that are in direct support of their local research program. Labs do not need to submit a Field Work Proposal (FWP) for such activities. Requests for funding other conferences or workshops must be new, standalone FWPs.

HEP-funded labs should NOT provide direct support for conferences of more general interest to the HEP community out of their operating budget. Principal Investigators organizing these conferences need to submit an FWP or grant proposal (as appropriate) for the full DOE support requested.

Proper use of DOE Seal:

Often an organization that has obtained DOE financial support for a conference requests that the DOE seal be displayed on the conference website.  Federal regulations prohibit the use of the DOE logo or seal without express approval of the Office of Management and Adminstration.  Furthermore, federal regulations prohibit federal employees from approving the use or publication of the DOE seal under circumstances that would indicate preferential treatment or endorsement of a non-federal organization or its products or services.  If an organization wishes to acknowledge DOE financial assistance or that it has received a DOE grant, it may do so with properly chosen words that recognize DOE’s financial assistance but not sponsorship. 

When an organization has entered into a memorandum of agreement with the DOE to co-sponsor a particular conference, it may be appropriate for the conference materials and the conference website to reflect that both organizations are co-sponsors.  In the absence of such an express agreement, non-federal organizations may not describe themselves as being sponsored by, partnered with, or otherwise associated with the Department of Energy in any official capacity.   

For more information, please see Policy Guidance Regarding Use of the DOE Seal.

Proper use of DOE Office of Science seals

Use of the Office of Science seals does not require explicit permission. However, the logos shall not be used in any manner that falsely implies employment by, or affiliation with, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. Additionally, the DOE SC co-Branded logo may not be used for commercial purposes, including but not limited to endorsement of products or services. Approved DOE SC co-Branded logos should only be obtained directly from the following link, where more information can be found with regards to their proper display.

For more information, please see Policy Guidance Regarding Use of the DOE Office of Science Seal.


Proposals/FWPs must be submitted AT LEAST 6 MONTHS prior to the start of the conference to allow for proper review and processing of proposals. Proposals not meeting this requirement may be declined without further review.

Funding Request:

1. Funding from HEP is usually limited to $10k per conference and $5k for a workshop. Exceptions may be made for special cases.

2. Costs for entertainment and alcoholic beverages are not allowed and cannot be reimbursed. Such costs cannot be included in the conference registration fee.

3. Costs for meals, refreshments (e.g. coffee breaks), invited speaker travel or honoraria are allowable only in very limited circumstances. Explicit justification must be provided.

4. Costs for room and A/V rental, meeting support, and conference proceedings are allowable.

5. Travel support should be limited to students who have no other source of funding.

6. Grantees are not allowed to charge overhead on conference proposals.

7. Exploring multiple funding sources is encouraged and should be noted in the proposal.

8. Conferences held outside the US are generally not supported, even if organized by US groups. Exceptions may be made in rare circumstances for international conferences or workshops where funding through a US lab is the only viable alternative and there is a demonstrated programmatic interest to the DOE.