Elevated Temperature Plasticity
Elevated Temperature Plasticity
Reports and Publications
Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering
- Creep at Very Low Rates - F.R.N. Nabarro
- Denuded Zones, Diffusional Creep, and Grain Boundary Sliding - J. Wadsworth
- Predictive Capabilities of the Dislocation-Network Theory of Harper - Dorn Creep - M. A. Przystupa
- Observations, Theories, and Predictions of High-Temperature Creep Behavior - B. Wilshire
- Creep at Low Stresses: An Evaluation of Diffusion Creep and Harper-Dorn Creep as Viable Creep Mechanisms - T. G. Langdon
- The Role of Impurities During Creep and Superlasticity at Very Low Stresses - F. A. Mohamed
- Deformation Bands and the Formation of Grain Boundaries in a Superplastic Aluminum Alloy - T. R. McNelley
- Understanding Creep - a Review - W. Blum
- Harper-Dorn Creep and Specimen Size - E. Nes
- Dislocation Microstructure and Internal-Stress Measurements by Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction on Creep-Deformed Cu and Al - M. E. Kassner
- Subgrain Formation During Deformation: Physical Origin and Consequences - R. Sedlacek
- Application of a Modified Jogged-Screw Model for Creep of TiAl and α-Ti Alloys - G. B. Viswanathan
- Steady-State Creep of α-Zirconium at Temperatures Up to 850oC - T. A. Hayes
- Elevated-Temperature Deformation at Forming Rates of 10-2 to 102 s-1 - H. J. McQueen
- A Framework for Modeling Creep in Pure Metals - H. Brehm
- Constitutive Equations for Creep and Plasticity of Aluminum Alloys Produced by Powder Metallurgy and Aluminum-Based Metal Matrix Composites - E. Evangelista
Some Selected Topics in Creep Cavitation - T.J. Delph
Information about other BESAC-sponsored workshops and reports is available at the BESACwebsite.