Dr. Amanda Haes
Program Manager
Separation Science
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
SC-32.1/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
Email: amanda.haes@science.doe.gov
Dr. Haes is the Program Manager for Separation Science in the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). She brings a diverse scientific background in a range of chemistry topics and research experience spanning experimental physical chemistry, quantitative analytical chemistry, small molecule separations, and environmental/sustainable chemistry. Prior to joining the DOE in 2024, Dr. Haes was a Professor in Chemistry at the University of Iowa (2006-2024) and a rotating program director at the National Science Foundation (2020-2023). She received a B.A. degree in Chemistry and Physics from Wartburg College in 1999 and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry from Northwestern University in 2001 and 2004, respectively, with Dr. Richard Van Duyne where she developed experimental methods and used a theoretical framework to understand how and why local and bulk changes in refractive index influenced the plasmonic responses of noble metal nanoparticles and their impact in surface-enhance Raman scattering. She then conducted postdoctoral research with Dr. Greg Collins at the US Naval Research Laboratory where microchip-based methods were developed for biowarfare agent detection using immunoassays, laser-induced fluorescence, and electrophoretic separations. During her independent career, Dr. Haes led a research group focused on mechanistic understanding of plasmonic nanostructures and metal oxide reactivity and transformations using vibrational and surface-enhanced spectroscopies.