Dr J Michael Kuperberg
Climate & Environmental Sciences Division
Office of Biological and Environmental Research
SC-23.1/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
E-mail: Michael.Kuperberg@science.doe.gov
Phone: (301) 903-3511
Fax: (301) 903-8519
Dr. Kuperberg is a Program Manager for carbon cycle science programs in the Climate & Environmental Sciences Division. He joined the Department of Energy in 2006 after serving on assignment as a research faculty member of Florida State University. Dr. Kuperberg received his Ph.D. in environmental toxicology from Florida A&M University in 1999. His research interests include the impacts of anthropogenic chemicals on environmental systems, the application of remedial technologies to those problems and long-term systems for contaminant monitoring. At Florida State University, his primary responsibilities were as project manager for a U.S. Department of Energy funded project that evaluated innovative environmental remediation technologies internationally for potential application in the US. Dr. Kuperberg has served as an instructor for training courses in areas including biological remediation technologies, ecological toxicology, information systems and industrial safety. He has also been a representative to the Local Emergency Planning Council, which is responsible for long-range, community-wide planning for natural and man-made disasters. Dr. Kuperberg’s past activities have included: developing and teaching courses on site characterization, aquatic toxicology, information resources, interactive toxicology and seafood safety; developing site characterizations of waste management facilities located in wet environments; and developing a field delineation methodology for wet environments. He has taught and developed laboratory classes for undergraduate biology students. Dr. Kuperberg also has taught a variety of science classes as an invited speaker for elementary and middle schools. He has volunteered in the K-8 environment teaching technology and helping to upgrade and maintain technology infrastructure in schools.
January 2009