Recommender Information

For Recommenders

  • Recommenders must submit their completed recommendation form by the application deadline.
  • A completed SULI application requires recommendations from two individuals familiar with the applicant’s education, training, experience, aptitude, or promise relevant to the SULI Program.
  • These letters should come from individuals who are in a capacity to objectively judge the applicant's performance such as STEM course instructors, internship mentors/supervisors, and research advisors. Recommendations are not allowed from family members, friends, or friends of family members.
  • An applicant will be asked to provide contact information for individuals indicated in the online application system. Applicants are encouraged to make the requests for recommendations as soon as possible. Additionally, it is suggested that the applicant discuss this request in advance with potential recommenders, and allow adequate time for the recommenders to act. It is the applicant’s responsibility to remind recommenders that they must submit their recommendation form using the online system before the application deadline.
  • Once the applicant provides the requested information an email message for a recommendation is automatically generated and sent to the recommender. 
  • The automated email will provide the information to the recommender on access to the online recommendation system and its form.