Snowmass / P5 Planning Process
The high energy physics research community is currently engaged in developing a ten-year plan for U.S. particle physics. The goal of this planning process is to identify the most compelling scientific opportunities at the Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic Frontiers, and to identify those technologies required for frontier research. This multi-step process requires broad input from all members of the community.
The upcoming Snowmass on the Mississippi, to be held July 29 through August 6, 2013, at the University of Minnesota, is one of those important steps More than 800 physicists are expected to attend Snowmass, which is being organized by the American Physical Society Division of Particle and Field with support from both the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). To go to the Snowmass webpage, click here.
The High Energy Physics Advisory Panel serves both DOE’s Office of High Energy Physics and the NSF. Its subpanel, the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5), issued the previous P5 report in May of 2008. Its charge was to develop a 10-year plan for U.S. particle physics under various budget scenarios. Sufficient changes since then now warrant the development of a new ten-year plan.
In the interests of transparency, we will be posting here documents relevant to the strategic P5 planning process. The following list will be updated as that process moves forward.