2001 Results for the Advanced Detector Research Program
The Advanced Detector Research (ADR) program was started in the year 2000. Twenty proposals were received, and six grants were awarded to study a variety of promising new technologies. They are listed below.
Principal Investigator
Washington University (St. Louis)
James Buckley
InGaN Photocathode Development
1 year
University of California-Davis
Daniel Ferenc
Novel Highly Sensitive Photosensor Technology for Inexpensive Large-Area Cerenkov Detectors
1 year
University of Hawaii
Sherwood Parker
Fabrication of Silicon Sensors with 3D Electrode Arrays
1 year
University of California-Los Angeles
David Saltzberg
Radio-Frequency Sensor Technology for Detection of High Energy Particles
2 years
University of Arizona
John Rutherfoord
Liquid Argon Calorimetry at Very High Luminosity
1 year
California Institute of Technology
David Hitlin,
Harvey Newman,
Ren-Yuan Zhu
Heavy Scintillating Crystals for Future High Energy Physics Experiments
1 year
For further information contact:
Dr. Michael Procario
Department of Energy Phone: (301) 903-2890
Division of High Energy Physics FAX: (301) 903-2597
Germantown, Maryland 20874 E-Mail:Michael.Procario@SCIENCE.DOE.GOV