Facilities Development
Facilities Development provides support for directed research. This R&D effort is of a near- or mid-term nature, with accelerator R&D being developed for a specific application, technology, or proposed facility.
There are four subdivisions:
- General Accelerator R&D-- This activity focuses on R&D that can be widely applied to a range of accelerator facilities. The major areas of R&D are superconducting magnet and related materials technology; high-powered RF acceleration systems; instrumentation; beam dynamics, both linear and nonlinear; and development of large simulation programs. The latter effort is coordinated with the SciDAC accelerator simulation project.
- LHC Accerator Research Program (LARP)—focuses on the production of full-scale, accelerator-quality magnets that sustain the highest possible magnetic fields, as well as collimation and monitoring systems. This effort will provide important technical data to CERMNfor management decisions on possible future LHC accelerator upgrades to increase luminosity.
- Superconducting Radio-Frequency (SRF) R&D—Central to a variety of future accelerator projects, the SRF R&D program supports development of the infrastructure required for SRF cavity and cryomodule processing, assembly, and testing.
International Linear Collider (ILC) R&D—As a lepton collider may very well be the successor to the LHC, the US participates in the ILC collaboration, with a focus on the development of very bright particle beams, electron sources, damping rings, beam dynamics and diagnostics, as well as the development and prototyping of RF equipment and components of the main linac accelerator.