Quality Management
The ISC provides quality assurance expertise to the Office of Science’s site offices in support of their federal oversight of the national laboratories. Effective quality assurance (QA) programs are essential for achieving a high level of efficiency and excellence in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of laboratory facilities, and in the scientific research conducted at those facilities.
The organization supports program development and maintenance, personnel training and qualifications, document control, records management, process control, procurement, design, software, inspection and acceptance testing, corrective action and quality improvement, issues management, management/self-assessment, and independent assessment. The ISC quality management staff also support the Office of Science’s efforts related to Contractor Assurance Systems (CAS), ISO 9001, and NQA-1.
The quality management system drives continuous improvement throughout all of the ISC’s activities. Employees focus heavily on understanding our customers’ requirements and expectations and their level of satisfaction from the support they receive to continually improve.
The ISC quality management staff members have qualifications and certifications in quality assurance, software quality assurance, engineering, business administration and management of technology.
Primary Points of Contact (POCs)
John Adachi, (630) 252-2777
Federal Subject Matter Experts Supporting Site Offices
Site Office | Name/Phone |
Ames Site Office (AMSO) | Tracy Sims, (630) 252-2777 |
Argonne Site Office (ASO) | Tracy Sims, (630) 252-2777 |
Berkeley Site Office (BSO) | Mildred Lopez-Ferre, (865) 242-2286 |
Brookhaven Site Office (BHSO) | John Adachi, (630) 252-2777 |
Fermi Site Office (FSO) | Tracy Sims, (630) 252-2777 |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Office (OSO) | Mildred Lopez-Ferre, (865) 242-2286 |
Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO) | John Adachi, (630) 252-2777 |
Princeton Site Office (PSO) | John Adachi, (630) 252-2777 |
SLAC Site Office (SSO) | Mildred Lopez-Ferre, (865) 242-2286 |
Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) | Mildred Lopez-Ferre, (865) 242-2286 |