Public Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations
The ISC’s Public Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations divisions develop and implement communication strategies and advise officials within the Department how to best communicate issues and priorities of public and internal interest. In addition, the division oversees news media relations, community outreach, and interactions with elected officials and congressional offices.
Primary Points of Contact (POCs)
- Sandra Geib-Ingram, (630) 252-2420
- John Shewairy, (865) 576-9603
Federal Subject Matter Experts Supporting Site Offices
Site Office | Name/Phone |
Ames Site Office (AMSO) | Sandra Geib-Ingram, (630) 252-2420 |
Argonne Site Office (ASO) | Sandra Geib-Ingram, (630) 252-2420 |
Berkeley Site Office (BSO) | Lauren Martinez, (510) 486-4377 |
Brookhaven Site Office (BHSO) | John Carter, (631) 344-5195 |
Fermi Site Office (FSO) | Sandra Geib-Ingram, (630) 252-2420 |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Office (OSO) | Claire Sinclair, (865) 576-7710 |
Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO) | DiAnn Fields, (865) 574-3612 |
Princeton Site Office (PSO) | Sandra Geib-Ingram, (630) 252-2420 |
SLAC Site Office (SSO) | Lauren Martinez, (510) 486-4377 |
Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) | DiAnn Fields, (865) 574-3612 |