Contractor Industrial Relations
Contractor Industrial Relations is a vital component within the ISC that assists Office of Science’s line managers and Contracting Officers in their oversight responsibilities of contractor human resource programs. Contractor human resources costs are a significant portion of the overall operating budget for our laboratories and, in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations, the Contractor Human Resources team reviews the contractors’ programs for reasonableness, cost impact, market comparison, and potential long term liabilities to the DOE. Effective and efficient support has a direct impact on the funding available for essential mission support in Science programs.
Oversight functional areas supported include compensation, benefits, pensions, labor standards, labor relations, workforce restructuring, Management & Operating contractor assignments, work place substance abuse, source evaluation board support and risk management.
Primary Points of Contact (POCs)
- Cory Flowers, (630) 252-2793
- Lisa Carter, (865) 576-0141
Federal Subject Matter Experts Supporting Site Offices
Site Office | Name/Phone |
Ames Site Office (AMSO) | Cory Flowers, (630) 252-2793 |
Argonne Site Office (ASO) | Cory Flowers, (630) 252-2793 |
Berkeley Site Office (BSO) | Maurice Davis, (865) 576-0664 |
Brookhaven Site Office (BHSO) | Cory Flowers, (630) 252-2793 |
Fermi Site Office (FSO) | Cory Flowers, (630) 252-2793 |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Office (OSO) | Maurice Davis, (865) 576-0664 |
Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO) | Laura Easterling (865) 576-0662 |
Princeton Site Office (PSO) | Cory Flowers, (630) 252-2793 |
SLAC Site Office (SSO) | Maurice Davis, (865) 576-0664 |
Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) | Lisa Carter, (865) 576-0141 |