Quantum Information Sciences

This program supports basic research in materials sciences to advance understanding of quantum phenomena in systems with the specific goal of accelerating the frontiers of quantum information sciences (QIS). The QIS program spans the technical breath of the MSE Division.

This program supports research in QIS-inspired topical areas described in the Basic Energy Sciences Roundtable: Opportunities for Basic Research for Next-Generation Quantum Systems and Basic Energy Sciences Roundtable: Opportunities for Quantum Computing in Chemical and Materials Sciences reports. Such topics include: advance artificial quantum-coherent systems with unprecedented functionality for QIS; enhance creation and control of coherence in quantum systems; discover novel approaches for quantum-to-quantum transduction; implement new quantum methods for advanced sensing and process control; control the quantum dynamics of nonequilibrium materials systems; and unravel the physics of strongly correlated electron systems. The program capitalizes on science disciplines including innovative materials’ design and processing, cutting-edge quantum-related characterization methods (e.g., electron/X-ray/neutron scattering at BES Scientific User Facilities), development of advanced tools, and experimental and theoretical quantum physics.

Areas de-emphasized in this program are those solely based on engineering, manufacturing of prototypes/devices, mathematics, computer science, and hardware/software development. The research facilitated by this program provides foundational knowledge to serve as a basis for early demonstration of quantum-related physical systems with anticipated national impact and leadership in the QIS field.

To better understand how this research area fits within the Department of Energy's Office of Science, please refer to the Basic Energy Science's organization chart and budget request. For information on QIS efforts within Basic Energy Sciences, refer to QIS at BES. For more information about this research area, please contact Dr. Athena Sefat.