Center for Actinide Science & Technology (CAST)

Thomas Albrecht-Schoenzart
Lead Institution
Florida State University
To advance our understanding of how electronic structure and bonding control the properties of radioactive materials. This knowledge will aid in the development of nuclear technologies that enhance energy security, address nuclear legacy issues and environmental concerns, and foster the next generation of nuclear scientists.
Research Topics
nuclear, defects, corrosion, superconductivity, magnetism and spin physics, separations, geophysics/geochemistry, synthesis (novel systems)
Systems Studied
Systems: metal, oxide, molecules, ceramic, actinide, porous
Interfaces: None
Nanostructured: None
Experimental and Theoretical Methods
X-ray diffraction and scattering, X-ray spectroscopy, neutron diffraction and scattering, electron microscopy, ultrafast science, molecular dynamics (MD), density functional theory (DFT), dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)

Partner Institutions
- Florida International University
- Florida State University
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
- Purdue University
- University at Buffalo
- University of Manitoba
- University of Pennsylvania