Feb. 25-26, 2002
Feb. 25-26, 2002 Topics: Subpanel Report on the Committee of Visitors and SC Performance Measurements, Report from the Biomolecular Materials Workshop, Upcoming BESAC-Sponsored Activities, Basic Research Need to CT, Basic Science Needed for Energy Security, Updates on LCLS and LANSCE. |
1) News from the Office of Science | James Decker, SC | ppt |
2) News from Basic Energy Sciences | Patricia Dehmer, BES | ppt |
3) Report of the Committee of Visitors Subpanel | Carl Lineberger, JILA | ppt |
4) Report of the SC Performance Measurement Subpanel | John Stringer, EPRI | |
5) Report of the Biomolecular Materials Workshop | Mark Alper, LBNL | ppt |
6) Catalysis Planning | Bill Kirchhoff, BES | ppt |
7) Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience | Bill McCurdy, LBNL | ppt |
8) Status of the Spallation Neutron Source | Thom Mason, SNS | ppt |
9) BES-Sponsored Workshop on Basic Research Needs to CT | Walter Stevens, BES | ppt |
10) BESAC-Sponsored Workshop on Basic Science Needs for Energy Security | Iran Thomas, BES | ppt |
11) Linac Coherent Light Source Update | Keith Hodgson, SSRL | ppt |
12) Update on LANSCE at LANL | Paul Lisowski, LANL | ppt |