November 7-9, 2003

DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Meeting
Friday, November 7, 2003 to Saturday, November 8, 2003

Doubletree Hotel, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, 301-486-1100.
The hotel is located at the Twinbrook Metro Station, (behind the hotel).


  • Office of Management and Budget Perspective on Milestones
  • Presentation and Discussion on the Report from the Sub-Committee on Milestones
  • Discussion of NSAC Response and Transmittal Letter on Milestones Charge
  • Presentation from the Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Presentation and Discussion on the Report from the Sub-Committee on Nuclear Theory
  • Discussion of NSAC Response and Transmittal Letter on Nuclear Theory
  • Discussion on the Committee of Visitors

For further information you can contact Brenda May at 301-903-0536


Friday, November 7, 2003 - Plaza III Conference Room

9:00 AM Introductory Remarks Casten
9:20 AM NSF Remarks Keister
9:40 AM DOE Remarks Kovar
10:00 AM Sub-Committee Report on Performance Measures Geesaman
10:45 AM Break
11:15 AM First Discussion of Performance Measures Report Casten
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM OMB Perspective Parriott
1:35 PM Continued Discussion of Performance Measures Report Casten
2:00 PM OSTP Perspective Looney
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM Report from the Sub-Committee on Nuclear Theory Mueller
3:15 PM First Discussion of Nuclear Theory Report Casten
4:30 PM Discussion of New Charge Casten
5:15 PM Public Comment
5:30 PM Adjourn

November 8, 2003 - Madison Conference Room

9:00 AM Further Discussion of Performance Measures Report, NSAC Response and Transmittal Letter Casten
10:00 AM DOE Office of Science Perspective Orbach
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Further Discussion of Theory Report, NSAC Response and Transmittal Letter Casten
12:00 PM Further Discussion Casten
12:30 PM Adjourn