
Overview: DOE EPSCoR is located in the Office of Science and supports early stage research across a wide range of DOE program areas. The goals of DOE EPSCoR are to: a) improve the capability of designated states and territories to conduct sustainable and nationally competitive energy-related research; b) establish foundational research capabilities in designated states and territories through increased human and technical resources, training scientists and engineers in energy-related areas; and c) build beneficial relationships between scientists and engineers in the designated states and territories with the 10 world-class laboratories managed by the Office of Science, leverage DOE national user facilities, and take advantage of opportunities for intellectual collaboration across the DOE system. Through broadened participation, DOE EPSCoR seeks to strengthen the network of energy-related research across the nation.

Program Priorities:DOE EPSCoR is a science-driven, merit-based program that supports early stage research activities spanning the broad range of science and technology programs within DOE. In addition, the program places high priority on increasing the number of scientists and engineers in energy-related areas. The program places particular emphasis and importance of collaboration among young faculty, postdoctoral associates, graduate/undergraduate students supported by EPSCoR with scientists from the DOE national laboratories where unique scientific and technical capabilities are present. The program supports the most meritorious proposals based on merit and peer review.

EPSCoR Origins: DOE EPSCoR is based on the National Science Foundation's EPSCoR, which was founded in FY 1979 to broaden the geographical distribution of federal funding of academic research and development. The success of the NSF EPSCoR program led to EPSCoR-like programs in other federal agencies (DOD, DOE, EPA, NASA, NIH, USDA). DOE EPSCoR was originally established in FY 1991 within DOE's University and Science Education program by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law 102-486 Title XXII, Sec. 2203(b)(3). DOE EPSCoR was transferred to DOE's Basic Energy Sciences program in November 1995 following the passage of the FY 1996 Energy and Water Development Appropriation. The various agency EPSCoR and EPSCoR-like programs are coordinated by the EPSCoR Interagency Coordinating Committee (EICC).