Center for Next Generation of Materials Design (CNGMD)

William Tumas
Lead Institution
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
To dramatically transform the discovery of functional energy materials through multiple-property search, incorporation of metastable materials into predictive design, and the development of theory to guide materials synthesis
Research Topics
solar (photovoltaic), solar (fuels), solid state lighting, optics, phonons, hydrogen and fuel cells, defects, charge transport, materials and chemistry by design, synthesis (novel materials), synthesis (predictive)
Materials Studied
Materials: semiconductor, wide band-gap semiconductor, oxide, optoelectronic and metamaterial
Interfaces: inorganic/inorganic, liquid/solid
Nanostructured Materials: None
Experimental and Theoretical Methods
X-ray diffraction and scattering, X-ray spectroscopy, electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, high-throughput screening methods, molecular dynamics (MD), density functional theory (DFT), monte carlo (MC), machine learning, data science

Partner Institutions
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Colorado School of Mines
- Harvard University
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Oregon State University
- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- University of Colorado
BES Staff Contact
Michael Markowitz, Craig Henderson