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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

University Research

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Researchers Discover How to Protect Yeast from Damage in Biofuel Production

Some chemicals used to speed up the breakdown of plants for production of biofuels like ethanol are poison to the yeasts that turn the plant sugars into fuel. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and several Department of Energy laboratories have identified two changes to a single gene that can make the yeast tolerate the pretreatment chemicals.

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University California Irvine

Chemist Shane Ardo Tapped for Department of Energy Early Career Research Program Award

Shane Ardo, UCI assistant professor of chemistry, is among 84 scientists from across the nation to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program. Under the program, Ardo will be awarded at least $150,000 per year for five years to develop technologies that can sustainably and inexpensively desalinate seawater for both personal consumption and agriculture.

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California Institute of Technology

How "Gatekeepers" to a Cell's Nucleus Let Genetic Instructions Pass Through

In a new study in the June 13 issue of Nature Communications, Hoelz and his group—spearheaded by Daniel Lin (PhD '17), a former graduate student at Caltech now at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT, and Sarah Cai, an undergraduate student at Caltech—report the first atomic-scale look at the specific components of human NPCs responsible for dropping mRNAs off in the cytoplasm.

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