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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

University Research

University California Santa Barbara

Small Scale, Huge Impact

UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineering assistant professor Bolin Liao receives an early career award from the Department of Energy to further investigate the phase coherence of tiny energy carriers such as electrons, phonons and photons, as well as their collective excitations.

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University of Wyoming

UW’s Liu Receives DOE Grant to Improve Predictability of Interactions Between Mixed-Phase Clouds, Aerosols

Xiaohong Liu, a UW professor in the Department of Atmospheric Science and the Wyoming Excellence Chair in Climate Science, will receive a $588,118 DOE grant for his project, titled “Improving GCM Predictability of Mixed-Phase Clouds and Aerosol Interactions at High Latitudes with ARM Observations.”

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Michigan State University

FRIB Accelerates First Beams in Three of Forty-six Superconducting Cryomodules

On 11-12 July, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams achieved a major project milestone by accelerating its first beams in three of forty-six superconducting cryomodules. This demonstrates for the first time that the major systems (front end, liquid helium plant, superconducting cryomodules) which were commissioned individually, work well together and can successfully accelerate beams of atomic particles.

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Washington University

UW, PNNL to Host Energy Research Center Focusing on Bio-inspired Design and Assembly

The United States Department of Energy has awarded an expected $10.75 million, four-year grant to the University of Washington, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and other partner institutions for a new interdisciplinary research center to define the enigmatic rules that govern how molecular-scale building blocks assemble into ordered structures — and give rise to complex hierarchical materials.

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Chicago University

Studying Universe Requires 'Archaeology on the Grand Scale,' Physicist Says

As director of the Dark Energy Survey, an international collaboration to map several hundred million galaxies using one of the world’s most powerful digital cameras, Fermilab scientist and University of Chicago professor Josh Frieman, PhD’89, leads more than 400 scientists from over 25 institutions across the world in the quest to unravel mysteries of the universe.

Read more about Studying Universe Requires 'Archaeology on the Grand Scale,' Physicist Says