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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science


University of Texas Arlington

UTA physicist Benjamin Jones awarded $750,000 from Department of Energy Early Career Research Program

The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded UTA assistant professor of physics Benjamin Jones $750,000 to develop a sensor for particle experiments that focus on the neutrino, a subatomic particle that may offer an answer to the lingering mystery of the universe’s matter-antimatter imbalance.

Read more about UTA physicist Benjamin Jones awarded $750,000 from Department of Energy Early Career Research Program
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M Chemistry's David Powers Honored With 2018 Department of Energy Early Career Research Award

Powers, whose research focuses on developing new catalysts to address unsolved problems in chemical synthesis and energy conversion, is one of two Texas A&M faculty (along with the Department of Aerospace Engineering's Dr. Ken Hara) and 84 scientists nationwide -- six total in the state of Texas -- selected to receive funding under the DOE's Early Career Research Program.

Read more about Texas A&M Chemistry's David Powers Honored With 2018 Department of Energy Early Career Research Award