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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

University Research

MIT University

Integrated Simulations Answer 20-year-old Question in Fusion Research

A team led by Anne White, the Cecil and Ida Green Associate Professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Pablo Rodriguez Fernandez, a graduate student in the department, has conducted studies that offer a new take on the complex physics of plasma heat transport and point toward more robust models of fusion plasma behavior.

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University of Wisconsin-Madison

Beyond Silicon: Researchers Solve a Materials Mystery Key to Next-Generation Electronic Devices

Researchers from University of Wisconsin–Madison – as well as collaborators from Ohio State University, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Argonne National Laboratory, Sungkyunkwan University, and Pohang University of Science and Technology – have solved a materials mystery in oxide electronics materials.

Read more about Beyond Silicon: Researchers Solve a Materials Mystery Key to Next-Generation Electronic Devices