Bridging the Nano-World and the Real World in Polymer Solar Cells
Discovering how polymer organization on the molecular level affects electric charge movement in organic solar cells.
Discovering how polymer organization on the molecular level affects electric charge movement in organic solar cells.
New microscopy with nanometer-sized resolution may bring revolutionary new understanding to energy storage technologies.
Unique analysis of the reaction of propene with oxygen atom reveals the influence of electron spin on combustion chemistry.
The first real-time images of two atoms vibrating in a molecule have been captured using a technique called laser-induced electron diffraction.
Small addition of rare earth element makes a big difference in converting heat to electricity.
Supercomputers + Software + electromagnetic images yield new way to discriminate underground deposits from surrounding geology.
Observation of a plutonium nuclear magnetic resonance ends 50-year search and provides a key to deciphering its complex properties.
Adding an oxide sieve, a layer containing nanocavities, to a catalyst surface makes the catalyst selective for specific reactions and increases efficiencies for chemical processes.
Rapid creation of carbon-fluorine bonds may lead to improved production of drugs, agrochemicals and positron emission tomography (PET) tracers.
New theory describes light management in thin-film solar cells.
A step closer to an artificial system using sunlight to produce hydrogen from water
New design significantly increases the lifetime and reduces the platinum content in electrocatalysts needed for advanced fuel cells for automotive applications.