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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

University Research

Indiana University

IU Physicists Co-leads First Observation of the Weak Interaction Between Protons and Neutrons

An international group of scientists including physicists at Indiana University are reporting the first observation of an elusive force whose detection verifies a prediction of the Standard Model, the most widely accepted model used to explain the behavior of three of the four known fundamental forces in the universe.

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University of Utah

Spintronics "Miracle Material" Put to the Test

In 2017, University of Utah physicist Valy Vardeny called perovskite a “miracle material” for an emerging field of next-generation electronics, called spintronics, and he’s standing by that assertion. In a paper published January 10th in Nature Communications, Vardeny, along with Jingying Wang, Dali Sun (now at North Carolina State University) and colleagues present two devices built using perovskite to demonstrate the material’s potential in spintronic systems.

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