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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

Science Highlights

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A cage-like protein (gray) called ferritin was engineered to have metal hubs (blue) on its surface.

Modular Construction - on a Molecular Scale

Predictable assembly of protein building blocks result in a new class of porous materials, with potential uses ranging from efficient fuel storage to practical carbon capture and conversion.

The ring pattern from the new transmission X-ray diffraction analysis is from the polycrystalline nature of the alloy - in other words, it indicates that the atoms are arranged in small crystalline regions (called grains) that have many different orientations.

Finding a Needle in a Crystalline Haystack

New X-ray technique reveals the presence of one-in-a-million large crystalline regions from metals fatiguing—stabilization schemes could lead to impervious metals.

Nanocrystals enable new electrically-controlled windows.

Smarter Smart Windows

Thin coating of nanocrystals embedded in glass can electrically control light and heat from sunlight as it passes through a window.
