Scientists Discover Energy and Pressure Analogies Linking Hadrons, Superconductors, and Cosmic Expansion
From the microscopic world to the entire Universe, pressure and energy relate in a similar manner.
From the microscopic world to the entire Universe, pressure and energy relate in a similar manner.
A significantly improved description of experimental results suggests the importance of presently unaccounted for phenomena in fusion.
Scientists resolve the hypothesized anomalous increase in moment of inertia of fast rotating nuclei with models of neon-20 and chromium-48 nuclei.
Researchers develop a framework to predict subcooled flow boiling and critical heat flux.
A specialized microscope allows investigations of single molecules of cellulase enzymes.
Evidence for the formation of a quark-gluon plasma emerges from the recombination of freely moving charm and bottom quarks into Bc mesons.
Measurements from the LHCb collaboration expand scientific understanding of how individual quarks assemble to form observable matter.
Scientists use a large-scale statistical analysis to extract the viscosity of hot, dense nuclear matter created at different heavy ion collision energies.
High resolution study of calcium-40 Ca to constrain potassium nucleosynthesis in the NGC 2419 globular cluster.
Researchers gain new insights into how the isotope astatine-211 interacts with resins commonly used to purify the isotope for therapeutic use.
Researchers used single crystal X-ray diffraction to learn about the structure and bonding of a highly radioactive radium compound.
Scientists develop a nanoscale electron imaging method that reveals the dynamics of the collective vibrations of atoms at the interface between materials.