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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

Science Highlights

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Sea Quark Spin Surprise!

Antiquark spin contribution to proton spin depends on flavor, which could help unlock secrets about the nuclear structure of atoms that make up nearly all visible matter in our universe.

Fast-Moving Pairs May Solve 35-Year-Old Mystery

Physicists develop a universal mathematical description that suggests that proton-neutron pairs in a nucleus may explain why their associated quarks have lower average momenta than predicted.

How Much Water Does the World Use?

Global data set shows monthly water use by irrigation, manufacturing, and other uses, helping researchers to analyze water use by region and season.

Silicon and a State of Shock

A novel experimental geometry at the Linac Coherent Light Source reveals, for the first time, how silicon responds to shocks similar to those in a planet’s core.

Taking Diamond Qubits for a Spin

Scientists use implanted silicon ions and electricity to increase the spin time of quantum bits, moving closer to the tech needed for quantum networks.
