Hydraulic Fluids Hospitable for Microbes
For the first time, scientists analyzed the genetic material of surface microbes that are colonizing the deep subsurface, where they are adapting and thriving.
For the first time, scientists analyzed the genetic material of surface microbes that are colonizing the deep subsurface, where they are adapting and thriving.
New model reveals the significant role of microbes in oceanic nutrient and energy.
Detailed genetic studies reveal an underground world of stunning microbial diversity and add dozens of new branches to the tree of life.
Analyses reveal diversity in carbon turnover and other degradation processes, offering insights for biofuel production.
A novel E. coli fatty acid biosynthesis system could more efficiently convert biomass to desired products.
Researchers use engineered bacteria to simplify biofuels production, potentially lowering cost.
Herbivore digestion involves a large variety of enzymes that break woody plants into biofuel building blocks.
Researchers develop a new process for annotating cellulose-degrading enzymes.
Study shows that “stop” code can be assigned other meanings.
Duckweed sequencing reveals insights into genes for lignin, cellulose, and starch production.
DOE Joint Genome Institute expands data and analytical tools.