Management System: Management and Operating Contracting

Subject Area Management and Operating (M&O) Contract Management and Administration

Management System Coordinators
Process Steward:
Implementation Lead:

Latest MS Specific Document Revision Date 11/14/2021
Latest MS Total Biennial Review Completed 11/14/2021
SCMS Revision 5.1

1.0 Introduction

The management of an Office of Science (SC) Management and Operating (M&O) contract is performed through the combined efforts of SC staff from Headquarters (HQ), SC Site Offices, and the SC Consolidated Service Center (CSC) and involves a variety of administrative, legal, assessment, and reporting activities. This phase of contract management starts after the contract is awarded and continues until a contract is closed out (see SC Subject Area: Management and Operating (M&O) Contract Life Cycle).

The SC Site Office Manager serves as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) line manager accountable for the management of the M&O contract and oversight of the day‑to‑day activities at the Laboratory under their cognizance. The SC Site Office Manager also serves as DOE's principal point of contact to the M&O contractor management. The SC Contracting Officer (CO) within the SC Site Office has the legal contracting responsibility for contract administration. SC Staff in the SC Site Office, the SC ISC and HQ carry out a variety of oversight activities that are prescribed by DOE regulations, DOE Directives (e.g., DOE Orders, DOE policy documents), the Prime Contract between DOE and the M&O contractor. This staff consists of, but is not limited to COs, contract specialists, safety and operations specialists, legal, project management, business, environmental, property, finance individuals.

This subject area describes how SC Federal staff administers a contract and facilitates the performance of the M&O contractor by the following:

  • Establishing formal requirements and expectations through the contract,
  • Monitoring and evaluating contractor performance against those expectations,
  • Providing feedback to the contractor through a variety of formal and informal mechanisms during the year,
  • Holding the contractor accountable for performance,
  • Preparation, review, submittal, and comment resolution of/for Independent Review Board (IRB) packages,
  • Obtaining approval of M&O contractor Buy American Act (BAA) Non-Availability Determinations, and
  • Obtaining approval of M&O contractor requests for approval of subcontractor and third-party indemnity provisions

Procedures in this subject area amplify established SC processes and management expectations for the performance of particular Federal functions and reflect process that require the participation of several organizations within SC or DOE.

The major components of contract management and administration are described below:

1.1  Managing Contract Requirements and Expectations

Managing contract requirements and expectations includes: (1) the creation of a Contract Management Plan (CMP), (2) the establishment of an annual Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP) under the SC Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process, (3) the management of changes to the contract requirements and/or expectations through contract modifications, and (4) the processing of work authorizations, such as those required for DOE work and Work for Others (WFO), approval of subcontracts, and the approval of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funding levels and individual projects. This subject area includes SC procedures on these processes. The CMP is a living document for the management of existing contract requirements and expectations and does not establish new, or change the existing contract requirements. The other documents and processes described above may set new expectations and requirements through the contract that DOE must assure are met.

At the same time, SC staff has many key Federal responsibilities and deliverables that are critical to the success of the contractor. This includes activities such as (1) signing permits as the facility owner, (2) reviewing and approving key operations documents, (3) approving work authorizations in a timely manner, and (4) communicating with stakeholders to gain support for a program or to resolve issues with a regulatory agency. These services are covered by procedures in this subject area and many other subject areas in the Office of SCience Management System (SCMS).

1.2  Contract Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, and Feedback

Contract performance monitoring, evaluation, and feedback are the essence of day‑to‑day operations at a site office and key drivers for the on‑site presence of Federal staff. DOE Headquarters (HQ) Program Office Staff also contribute to performance monitoring and feedback for the science and technology reports and deliverables. SC staff evaluates contractor performance in meeting contractual requirements and expectations.

Performance monitoring occurs through the evaluation and acceptance of contract deliverables, conducting performance reviews, preparing performance reports, daily monitoring of ongoing activities, and the use of contractor self‑reporting. Examples of these activities include: (1) facility representative walk‑throughs, (2) SC Site Office Staff operational awareness activities, (3) program and project reviews that approve key contract milestones, (4) performing personal and real property inspections, and (5) accepting completed projects for startup. These types of activities are described in management systems throughout SCMS.

Performance feedback is provided to the contractor through formal periodic appraisals and other feedback mechanisms, including informal mechanisms, so that deficiencies are understood and corrected. This process involves formal communication of performance results to the contractor. These include results obtained from monitoring activities along with the year‑end formal contract “Report Card” described in Procedure 5, Developing and Executing the SC Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process, on the SC Guidance: SC Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process. Feedback processes must also include effective corrective action and issues management processes and the use of contract accountability tools, such as (1) stop work, (2) adjustments to the scope of work, (3) revocation of management system approvals, (4) limitations on delegated approval thresholds, (5) adjustments to assessment frequencies, (6) Price Anderson Amendment Act (PAAA) enforcement, and (7) conditional payment of fee or contract award term. These actions are reserved for significant performance shortcomings. The basis for taking these actions should be firmly supported by feedback of performance results formally communicated to the contractor. In all cases, it is imperative that Federal staff responsible for the oversight of an M&O contract refer to the specific applicable contract clauses to understand any contract specific processes, authorities, and limitations.

The other SC Management Systems and the SC Program Description: Line Management Oversight support the monitoring and evaluation of the M&O contractor performance against the contractor requirements and expectations and contain processes that can provide input to the SC Management System: Management and Operating (M&O) Contracting. It is important to consider inputs and evaluations of performance from all of the other SCMS Management Systems when completing the periodic and the end‑of‑year contractor evaluations. The evaluation of the contractor’s overall performance throughout the year then provides input back to the process to set expectations.

1.3  Routine Administrative Approvals for Site Office and M&O Actions

Review by the SC M&O IRB is required for all M&O prime and subcontract acquisition actions with a total estimated value greater than $25 million (Head of Contracting Authority (HCA) delegated authority). Actions exceeding $50 million will be submitted to the Office of Contract Management (MA-62) for possible Business Clearance Review (BCR) selection (see DOE Acquisition Guide Chapter 71.1).

Department of Energy Regulation (DEAR) clause 970.5244-1(g), Contractor Purchasing System requires M&O contractors to obtain approval for individual Non-Availability Determinations in excess of $500,000 from the SC, HCA. The HCA has delegated this authority to the Manager of the Consolidated Service Center (CSC), who further redelegated this authority to the CSC, Office of Grants and Cooperative Agreements, Assistant Manager.

DEAR clause 970.5244-1(I), Contractor Purchasing System requires M&O contractors to obtain the SPE approval prior to providing indemnification to any M&O subcontractor. The SPE has delegated this authority to the SC, HCA, who further redelegated this authority to the Director, Office of Acquisition Management

2.0 Contents

Procedure Procedure Content
Procedure 1. Preparing and Approving a Contract Management Plan
  • Develop, approve and implement a Contract Management Plan.
  • Use CMP Template (see Section 3.0, "Exhibits/ Forms") and tailor to site-specific needs.
  • Forward the CMP to the HCA for review.
  • HCA forwards to the DOE HQ Contract Administration Division (MA-622) for approval.
  • Implement approved CMP.
Procedure 2. Evaluating DOE Directives for Contract Applicability
  • Flow-down of DOE Directives, Federal laws, and regulations to M&O contracts.
  • Contracting Officer (CO) or Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) determine applicability.
  • Provide to contractor to assess impact of compliance.
  • Evaluate contractor impacts. Incorporate into the contract.
Procedure 3. Maintaining a Work Authorization System
  • Preparation of work authorizations for DOE-funded work to be performed under the M&O contract.
  • SC Site Office and contractor review and work authorization.
  • Work authorization performance monitoring.
Procedure 4. Reviewing and Approving a Subcontract
  • Respond to DOE HQ Office of Contract Management (MA-62) Business Clearance Call Letter.
  • Review and approval of individual subcontract packages at site office within approval thresholds.
  • Review and approval by HCA of subcontracts above $25M.
Procedure 5. Developing and Executing the SC Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process
  • Develop, approve, and issue annual PEMP.
  • Monitor contractor performance.
  • Prepare midyear and end-of-year laboratory performance evaluation reports. SC-1 review and approval of laboratory performance and "Report Cards."
  • Provide feedback to the contractor. See SC Guidance: SC Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process.
Procedure 6. Technology Partnering -- Preparing, Reviewing and Approving Joint Work Statements (JWSs) and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
  • Technology Partnering program oversight. Review and approve JWSs and/or CRADAs.
  • See Example of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) Approval Checklist and Example of a Joint Work Statement (JWS) Approval Checklist.
Procedure 7. Reviewing and Approving Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP) (formerly known as Work for Others) and Work for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Approval and monitoring of WFO funding level.
  • Review and approve laboratory WFO Program.
  • Review and concur on individual laboratory and work for the DHS.
Procedure 8. Reviewing and Approving Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Programs and Projects
  • For LDRD guidance and information on LDRD Roles and Responsibilities, see Memorandum from Raymond L. Orbach, Under Secretary for Science, to Distribution, titled "Laboratory Directed Research and Development," dated 06/19/2006.
  • Review and approve laboratory LDRD Program Plan.
  • Review and concur on individual LDRD projects.
  • Monitor LDRD program performance.
Procedure 9. M&O Independent Review Board (IRB) Process
  • Site Office CO performs review of package ensures all comments are addressed prior to submitting to IRB.
  • IRB Chairperson forms IRB Team with CSC functional experts.
  • The IRB Team conducts the review and provides comments to the Site Office CO for resolution.
  • The Site Office CO coordinates resolution and returns all finalized documents with IRB Comment Matrix to IRB Chairperson.
  • Once final comments are resolved the IRB Approval Form is signed and returned to Site Office CO.
  • Site Office CO forwards the package for HCA approval.
Procedure 10. Buy American Act Non-Availability Determinations
  • Contractor must document basis for BAA request.
  • Site Office CO performs review of package ensures all comments are addressed prior to submitting to IRB.
  • IRB Chairperson forms IRB Team with Office of General Council.
  • The IRB Team conducts the review and provides comments to the Site Office CO for resolution.
  • The Site Office CO coordinates resolution and returns all finalized documents with IRB Comment Matrix to IRB Chairperson.
  • Once final comments are resolved the appropriate IRB Approval documentation is signed and returned to Site Office CO.
Procedure 11. Indemnification Approvals
  • Contractor must document Indemnification request following the 6 criteria listed in the redelegation.
  • Site Office CO performs review of package ensures all comments are addressed prior to submitting to IRB.
  • IRB Chairperson forms IRB Team with Office of General Council.
  • The IRB Team conducts the review and provides comments to the Site Office CO for resolution.
  • The Site Office CO coordinates resolution and returns all finalized documents with IRB Comment Matrix to IRB Chairperson.
  • Once final comments are resolved the appropriate IRB Approval documentation is signed and returned to Site Office CO.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

This section is sorted alphabetically. Any gaps in numbering are due to canceled Exhibits.

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
DOE Acquisition Guide Department Of Energy Acquisition Guide Completed
DOE Acquisition Letter 2013-03 Acquisition Planning Considerations for Management and Operating Contracts Completed
DOE O 412.1A, Admin. Change 1 Work Authorization System Completed
DOE O 413.2C Laboratory Directed Research And Development Completed
DOE P 481.1 DOE"s Policy Re Laboratories, Plants and Sites Engaging in Strategic Partnership Projects with Other Federal Agencies, Independent Organizations, and the Private Sector Completed
DOE O 481.1C, Administrative Change 2 Strategic Partnerships Projects (Formerly Known as Work for Others (Non-Department of Energy Funded Work)) Completed
DOE O 483.1A DOE Cooperative Research And Development Agreements Completed
15 U.S.C., Section 3710a Cooperative Research and Development Agreements Completed

6.0 Definitions


A change to a U.S. Department of Energy approved Joint Work Statement (JWS) and/or Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) document.
Approved Funding Program (AFP)
A document issued to U.S. Department of Energy organizations setting forth the funds available for obligation and expenditure (not to exceed the amount allotted) in each appropriation account. It specifies obligation control levels applicable to each program, project, or activity (PPA). The AFP is a detailed breakdown of allotments for program management purposes. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) issues AFPs for operating expenses, construction, and reimbursable work monthly.


Contract Management Plan (CMP)
A contract management tool that describes the procedures and processes a Site Office will utilize to assure that the terms and conditions of the Management and Operating (M&O) contract are met by the Contractor and the Department of Energy (DOE). The procedures and processes addressed in the CMP are those necessary to 1) fulfill the Government's contract management responsibilities, and 2) to ensure that the Contractor's performance is adequately monitored and documented. The CMP is intended solely to provide information. It shall not be construed to create any rights or obligations on the part of any person or entity, including the Contractor and its employees.
Contract Management Team
A multi-disciplinary team consisting of Office of Science (SC) Site Office and SC Integrated Support Center subject matter experts, functional area representatives and Contracting Officer(s) that manage the various contract administration aspects of the management and operating contract.
Contract Modification
"Contract modification" means any written change in the terms of a contract (see 43.103). Only Contracting Officers acting within their delegated authority may modify a contract or change a contractual commitment on behalf of the government. There are two types of contract modifications: unilateral and bilateral. Unilateral modifications are signed only by a Contracting Officer, and bilateral modifications (supplemental agreements) are signed by both a Contracting Officer and a contractor. A bilateral modification can add new work or revise existing terms, and it may have cost implications.
Contracting Authority
An organizational element that has the authority to award and administer contracting and financial assistance instruments.
Contracting Officer (CO)
An employee of the agency with the authority to legally bind the government by signing a contractual instrument. A CO has the authority to enter into, administer, and terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings; includes certain authorized representatives of the CO acting within the limits of authority as delegated by the CO. The CO is the only one that can accept nonconforming work, change scope, or alter schedule. See FAR 1.602, Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities - Contracting Officers.
Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)
An individual designated in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation and authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to perform specific technical or administrative functions. The written designation will specify the extent of the COR's authority to act on behalf of the Contracting Officer. The COR is not authorized to make commitments or changes that will affect price, quantity, delivery, or any other term or condition of the contract. See FAR 1.604, Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities - Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
Any agreement between one or more Federal facilities and one or more non Federal parties under which the Government, through its facilities, provides personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, or other resources with or without reimbursement (but not funds to non Federal parties) and the non Federal parties provide funds, personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, or other resources toward the conduct of specified research or development efforts that are consistent with the mission of the facility; except that such terms do not include a procurement contract or cooperative agreement.


Designated Authority
The approval threshold for a Contracting Officer (e.g., Prime Contracts $5M, Subcontracts $10M, Sales $1M) that is described on the Contracting Officer's warrant or through appointment memorandum.


Export Control
Categories of specific information and/or technologies that have been deemed as sensitive to the national security of the United States and its allies and are subject to export control and other restrictive measures.


Funds In
Monies provided by a participant(s) to a U.S. Department of Energy contractor for a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) project.


Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA)
Head of a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) element who has been delegated authority by the DOE Headquarters Deputy Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Assistance Management/Senior Procurement Executive to (1) award and administer contracts, sales contracts, and/or financial assistance instruments; (2) appoint Contracting Officers; and (3) exercise the overall responsibility for managing the Contracting Activity.


In Kind Contributions
Non cash contributions provided by the participant or contractor. In kind contributions must include collaboration in the research and development efforts of the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) and may also include personal property (equipment and supplies), capital equipment, work to be performed at either party's facilities, real property, or services that are directly beneficial, specifically identifiable, and necessary for the performance of the project. In kind contributions generally do not include work performed prior to execution of the CRADA.


Joint Work Statement (JWS)
A proposal prepared for a Federal agency by the director of a Government Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO) facility (or his or her delegate) describing the purpose, scope, schedule, and estimated cost of a proposed Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA); assigning responsibilities among the agency, contractor, and any other party or parties to the proposed agreement; and, to the extent known, assigning rights among the various parties.


Model Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
The Model CRADA is a tool developed to be responsive to the needs of different CRADA participants while protecting the interests of the Government and U.S. taxpayers. It provides a compendium of provisions which may be drawn upon for developing CRADA documents. The Model CRADA is to be used by U.S. Department of Energy and its Management and Operating (M&O) contractors to facilitate the negotiation, development, and timely approval of CRADAs. CRADAs submitted for DOE approval must identify all deviations from the double-underlined provisions or pre- approved optional provisions of the Model CRADA and substantive deviations should be supported by appropriate justification.


Report Card
A document, posted on the Office of Science (SC) Website, providing the laboratory contractor's grade earned for each Goal within the Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP).


SC Laboratory PEMP Review Board
The SC Laboratory Contract PEMP Review Board is chartered to review all SC laboratory contract PEMPs for completeness, conformance with SC guidance, and recommend SC senior management concurrence. The Review Board shall include members from the following organizations which shall be rotated as indicated below:
SC Office of Laboratory Policy and Evaluation, Chair
Two SC Site Office Representatives (2-year rotational position)
Two SC Program Office representatives (2-year rotational position)
SC Integrated Service Center Procurement Specialist (2-year rotational position)


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Procurement and Assistance Management, Field Assistance and Oversight Division (MA-621) Liaison
This position is also referred to as "HQ Buddy", the individual designated at the DOE HQ MA-621 Director to provide guidance, review, and approval of procurement-related issues.