Management System: Financial Assistance
Subject Area: Post-Award Administration
Procedure 2. Monitoring of Cost Share
Management System Coordinators- Process Steward:
- Michael Zarkin
- Implementation Lead:
- Cynthia Anderson
- Subject Matter Expert:
- Michael Hill
- Subject Area Point of Contact:
- Michael Hill
Latest MS Specific Document Revision Date
Latest MS Total Biennial Review Completed
SCMS Revision
1.0 Applicability
This procedure applies to all Project Officials, Contract Specialists (CSs), Grant Management Specialists (GMSs), and Contracting Officers (COs) who have responsibility for monitoring reporting requirements specific to cost share management.
2.0 Required Procedure
Step 1 | The recipient submits the Standard
Form (SF) 425, Financial Status Report, or SF
270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement, in accordance
with the DOE F 4600.2, Federal Financial Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions, included in the award.
NOTE: The Integrated Support Center (ISC) - Chicago Office (CH) Finance and Accounting (CRA) houses the SF-425 in its database, accessible to the CS/GMS and CO. |
Step 2 | The CS/GMS verifies the approved cost share amount on the budget matches the cost share on the form submitted.
Step 3 | If the recipient's required cost share is not met, the CS/GMS contacts the recipient for an explanation. |
Step 4 | The recipient provides an explanation to the CS/GMS. |
Step 5 | If an explanation is received and,
3.0 References
10 CFR 600, Financial Assistance Rules
2 CFR 200, as amended by DOE Section 910, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, (For awards with an effective on or after December 26, 2014)
DOE F 4600.2, The Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions (Exhibit 7)
DOE G FA, DOE Guide to Financial Assistance
Procedure 1, Reviewing/Approving Payment Requests
Procedure 7, Enforcing Terms and Conditions
SF 425, Financial Status Report (Exhibit 2)
SF 270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement (Exhibit 3)