Management System: Financial Assistance

Subject Area Negotiation and Award

Management System Coordinators
Process Steward:
Implementation Lead:
Point of Contact:

Latest MS Specific Document Revision Date 5/24/2018
Latest MS Total Biennial Review Completed 5/24/2018
SCMS Revision 2.1

1.0 Introduction

This subject area describes processes that Office of Science (SC) staff utilize to review and finalize documentation for Negotiation and Award of Financial Assistance Instruments. Applications selected for Award, following the Pre‑Award Merit Review process, are forwarded to the contracting activity via a Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System (STRIPES) Requisition Package for negotiation of a Financial Assistance Award. The Award document reflects the negotiated period of performance, terms and conditions, reporting and administrative requirements, and patent coverage for the effort proposed in the respective Financial Assistance Application.

2.0 Contents

Procedure Procedure Content
Procedure 1. Reviewing Procurement Request-Authorization (PR) Package

An acceptable Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System (STRIPES) Requisition Package includes the following documents:

  • STRIPES Requisition and PR Form.
  • Selection Statement or Determination of Non-Competitive Financial Assistance (DNFA), as applicable. (See Preparation of a Determination of Non-Competitive Financial Assistance [DNFA].)
  • Recipient's application (including the Scope of Work.)
  • Technical Evaluation of Budget/Cost Proposal Form.
  • Statement of Substantial Involvement (for cooperative agreements only).
  • Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions (if one of the standard ACQ-Policy-approved checklists are not to be used).
  • Determinations/Justifications/Waivers (if applicable).

NOTE: The above forms are generated in and/or transmitted via SC's Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) to STRIPES, except for the Requisition, which is generated within STRIPES.

NOTE: See STRIPES 6.5 Quick Guide, Processing a Subject to Availability of Funds (SAF) Requisition on a Grant for processing SAF Requisitions.

Procedure 2. Reviewing Recipient Application and Pre-Award Information
  • Review the SF 424 (R&R), Application for Federal Assistance.
  • Review Certification/Assurances/Representation.
  • Review any other Pre-Award information documents as required.
Procedure 3. Completing Determination of Responsibility
  • Review the General Services Administration (GSA) Excluded Parties List via a search in System for Award Management (SAMS).
  • Perform a Financial Management Assessment.
  • Review of activities under previous Awards, especially submission of required reports, such as SF 425, Federal Financial Report, and SF 428, Tangible Personal Property (including SF-428-A, SF-428-B, or SF-428-C, as applicable).
  • Review of Audits.

NOTE: The above reviews and determinations are documented in Section 4 - Recipient Risk/Responsibility/Eligibility of the Financial Assistance Negotiation Memorandum.

Procedure 4. Negotiating and Reviewing Budget
  • Perform a Budget Review.
  • If applicable, perform a Cost Analysis.
  • Determine the Method of Payment.
Procedure 5. Preparing the Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA) and Issuing Award Notification
  • Process congressional notifications and ISC-OMC coordination, as applicable.
  • Draft the STRIPES Assistance Agreement (AA), including required attachments.
Procedure 6. Reviewing and Approving Pre-Award Staff
  • Forward the Draft Award Document and/ or other documents to the appropriate offices (e.g., for review as required).
  • Check the appropriate Approval Level (See SC-CH O 541.1E, Contracting Authority and Responsibilities) - with attachments.
Procedure 7. Completing Award File Documentation
  • Complete the appropriate STRIPES Award Index.
  • Complete the Negotiation Memo.
  • Upload all required supporting documents and correspondence in STRIPES.
Procedure 8. Finalizing and Executing the Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA)
  • Process the STRIPES Assistance Agreement (AA).

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

This section is sorted alphabetically. Any gaps in numbering are due to canceled Exhibits.

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
2 CFR 910 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Completed
10 CFR 600 Financial Assistance Rules Completed
10 CFR 605 The Office Of Energy Research Financial Assistance Program Completed
DOE FALs DOE Financial Assistance Letters Completed
DOE G FA Department of Energy Guide to Financial Assistance, A Guide to the Award and Administration of Financial Assistance Completed
2 CFR 200, as amended by 2 CFR 910 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Completed

6.0 Definitions
