Management System: Financial Assistance
Subject Area: Funding Opportunity Announcement/Solicitation

Procedure 8. Issue Amendment(s) to Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

Management System Coordinators
Process Steward:
Implementation Lead:
Subject Matter Expert:
Subject Area Point of Contact:

Latest MS Specific Document Revision Date 5/24/2018
Latest MS Total Biennial Review Completed 1/23/2017
SCMS Revision 2.0

1.0  Applicability

This information applies to Program/Project Officials (Program Staff) and Contracting Officers (COs)/Contract Specialists (CSs)/Grant Management Specialists/SC-43 Grants and Contracts Analysts (Contracting Staff) in issuing amendments to the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to provide clarification, to make any necessary changes such as extending the due date for applications, and/or to provide additional information. 

2.0  Required Procedure

Step 1

Contracting Staff, through coordination with Program Staff, determine if an amendment is needed to the FOA in order to provide:

  • Clarification,

  • Make any necessary changes,

  • To extend the due date for receipt of applications, and/or

  • To provide additional information.

Step 2 Contracting Staff, through coordination with Program Staff, develop draft amendment document.
Step 3 Contracting Staff routes draft amendment to Legal Staff for review and comment and to any other staff members, as deemed necessary.
Step 4 Contracting Staff and Program Staff jointly resolve all comments received from review of the draft amendment and incorporate any changes deemed necessary.
Step 5 After uploading the final FOA Amendment document in Package/Attachments in the Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System (STRIPES), the Contracting Officer approves/releases FOA Amendment document in STRIPES, which then posts the public FOA Amendment document in FedConnect and posts a synopsis in on the
Step 6 Contracting Staff ensures all applicable documentation is uploaded in the STRIPES FOA Supporting Docs folder for that FOA Amendment.

3.0  References